collage of employees working
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General Application

Email Registration

Returning Applicants
Please sign in or reset your password by clicking on the Login Page button above on top right (next to the New Search button).

New Applicants
Please enter your email below to be used as your login name. Then create a password which is at least 8 characters long and may contain letters, numbers and/or symbols.

Save Time

First time applicant?
• Upload your resume to automatically fill in many of the Employment and Education fields.
Applied before?
• Uploading your resume now will overwrite previous information.
• For major updates, upload your resume to overwrite previous information. Then complete fields not on the resume such as supervisor name, etc.
• For minor updates, just update Employment and Education information as needed.

You can upload a position-specific resume later in the application.

Personal Information

Please enter all relevant personal information in the fields below.

How did you hear about us?

In an effort to improve the effectiveness of our recruitment and outreach efforts, we ask that you please let us know how you found out about the possibility of County employment.

Additional Information

Are you currently eligible for employment in the United States?

Select Yes if you are currently employed by the Pinellas County Unified Personnel System?

Have you ever been terminated or asked to resign from a place of employment?

Have you previously ever been employed by the Pinellas County Unified Personnel System?

If any of your relatives are currently employed by the Pinellas County Unified Personnel System please indicate their name, your relationship to them, and their department in the space provided below.

You may attach your documents later in the application process or email them to prior to the close date. Please ensure that you also complete a veteran’s preference form below.

Veterans’ Preference Forms

Certificates and Licenses

Please provide any information regarding to License or Certifications that pertain to employment with Pinellas County Government.

Add Certificate And License

Employment History

Please provide your last 10 years of work experiences below, starting with the most recent one.


Add Work History

Education History

Add Education

Upload Your Resume

If you uploaded a resume at the start of your application, you will see it listed here although it is not viewable. It can be used for your current application, or you can upload a new resume that is more suited to the position to which you are applying. The resume you submit here will not auto-fill any employment or education fields, as the earlier resume did. Your resume can be attached in any of the following formats: DOC, DOCX, HTML, RTF, PDF, TXT.

Toggle Accordion
Add Resume

Cover Letter for this Position

You may copy and paste your cover letter into the box below.


Upload any additional attachments. If claiming veteran’s preference, please attach your required documentation here.

Note: You can attach a total of up to 10MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 10MB.

Add Attachment

Application Review