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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Affordable Housing Directory

Welcome to the Community Housing Guide, a directory of affordable housing and homeownership options in Pinellas County. Resources and agencies that provide...

Publicly Owned Land Appropriate for Affordable Housing

A list of publicly-owned land in Pinellas County that can be made available for affordable housing.

2023-2024 Annual Action Plan Comment Period Notice

Comment period notice for the Pinellas County Annual Action Plan for FY 22-23 identifying available funding and projects recommended to receive funding.

Community Development Department Notices

Public Hearings/Public Meetings 1/24/23 – 2024-2025 Performance Review and Needs Assessment Public Hearing Public Notices 2024-2025 Performance Review and Needs Assessment Pinellas...

Notice of Availability for Public Comment Substantial Amendment to the FY21 Annual Action Plan to Submit the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan

Pinellas County is in the process of preparing its HOME-ARP Allocation Plan to allocate federal funding to eligible activities. The Pinellas County...

Affordable Housing Development Local Contribution Match Application

Announcement of the availability of local government support funding for eligible affordable housing development projects to meet the criteria of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) Competitive Application Process RFA 2021-202 Housing Credit Financing.

NSP Substantial Amendment 07-2012

Neighborhood Stabilization Program application for federal assistance from 2009 for acquisition, rehabilitation, demolition, land banking and down payment assistance.

Action Plan 2008-2009

2008-2009 Pinellas County Action Plan identifying specific projects and activities to address needs identified in the Consolidated Strategic Plan.

NSP Substantial Amendment 01-21-2009

Neighborhood Stabilization Program application for federal assistance from 2009 for acquisition, rehabilitation, demolition, land banking and down payment assistance.

NSP Substantial Amendment 12-19-2009

Neighborhood Stabilization Program application for federal assistance from 2009 for acquisition, rehabilitation, demolition, land banking and down payment assistance.

FY 22-23 Action Plan Comment Period Notice

Comment period notice for the Pinellas County Annual Action Plan for FY 22-23 identifying available funding and projects recommended to receive funding.

FY 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan

Pinellas County Annual Action Plan for FY 22-23 identifying how the County will use its annual allocation of housing and community development grants.

Pinellas County Housing Trust Fund Original RFQ Document

Document detailing the Pinellas County Housing Trust Fund's Request for Qualifications.

FY2019 Annual Action Plan Second Substantial Amendment Public Comment Period

Document notifying the public to the review/comment period for the FY2019 Annual Action Plan's second substantial amendment.

Notice for 2021-24 SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan

Document notifying the public to the 2021-24 SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan's review/comment period.

2021-24 Draft SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan

Draft plan identifying the County's strategies for meeting the housing needs of very-low, low- and moderate-income households; expanding production and preservation of affordable housing; and furthering the housing element of the County's comprehensive plan specific to affordable housing.

Community Development Application Instructions

FY22-23 application instructions for public facility, public infrastructure, public services, and CDBG-CV & ESG-CV grants.