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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Bridgeway Acres Landfill

What happens to garbage in Pinellas County? Pinellas County follows the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Waste Management Hierarchy by managing garbage from...

Guía Para el Manejo de Aceite Usado

Manejo de Aciete Usado/Combustible/Filtro de Transmisión Manejo del Aceite Usado Manejo de Sorbente de Aceite Usado Cantidades mínimas de material sorbente de...

Account, Vehicle, Trailer, and Container Information Placement Guide

Policy covering the display of an identification emblem on refuse vehicles which routinely use the Pinellas County Solid Waste Disposal system.

Solid Waste Disposal Accounts

...the Solid Waste Disposal Complex. Exit the Solid Waste Disposal Complex faster. Account information labels must be permanently affixed to your vehicles, trailers, and containers. Charge account Pay for disposal...

Waste-to-Energy Facility

According the Environmental Protection Agency, 75 facilities in the United States recover energy from the combustion of garbage. Florida has 10 Waste-to-Energy...

Holiday and Gift-Giving Guide

With parties, decorations, gift giving and travel, Americans generate 25% more waste than usual between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. The good...

Required Personal Protective Equipment

This document shows safety measures, banned waste, special handling service and fees at Pinellas County's Solid Waste Disposal Complex, Waste-to-Energy Facility and landfill.