HOME Investment Partnerships Program

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Pinellas County receives HOME funds annually, which can be used for grants, direct loans, loan guarantees or other forms of credit enhancement, rental assistance or security deposits. The flexibility of the HOME program allows Pinellas County to use these funds in ways that best fit the needs of our community. 


Your household may be eligible for HOME assistance, depending on the type of assistance you’re looking for. Eligibility is based on HOME income limits set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

For rental housing and rental assistance, at least 90% of benefiting families must have incomes that are no more than 60% of the HUD-adjusted median family income for the area.

In rental projects with five or more assisted units, at least 20% of the units must be occupied by families with incomes that are 50% or less of the HUD-adjusted median. Households receiving HUD assistance cannot have incomes exceeding 80% of the area median. 

HOME-assisted rental housing must comply with certain rent limitations. HOME rent limits are published each year by HUD. The program also establishes maximum per-unit subsidy limits and maximum purchase-price limits.

Funding Uses

Pinellas County can use HOME funds for any of the following activities:

  • Provide home purchase or rehabilitation financing assistance to eligible homeowners and new homebuyers
  • Build or rehabilitate housing for rent or ownership
  • Site acquisition or improvement or “other reasonable and necessary expenses related to the development of non-luxury housing”
  • Demolition of dilapidated housing to make way for HOME-assisted development
  • Payment of relocation expenses
  • Provide tenant-based rental assistance contracts of up to 2 years
    • Must be consistent with the Consolidated Plan and justified under local market conditions
    • This assistance may be renewed
  • Program planning and administration (up to 10% of the annual allocation may be used for this purpose)

Visit the HUD website for more details on the HOME Investment Partnerships Program.