Apply to be a Pinellas County Vendor

Pinellas County values your interest in doing business with us!

The Purchasing and Risk Management Division for the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners uses OpenGov Procurement for our contractor/vendor registration, and for posting, submitting and receiving bids, quotes and proposals for active solicitations. Contractors/Vendors must register with OpenGov Procurement. Contractors/vendors can register for free to receive notifications, download solicitations, and submit proposals electronically at no cost.

OpenGov is a self-maintained vendor registration system. Based on the commodities you register with, you will receive notifications of bid opportunities. Even though you may have registered with us in the past, you must re-register in the OpenGov system (OpenGov Procurement) or you will no longer receive notifications of bid opportunities.

When you register, there are options for how you would like to receive notifications for invitations to bid, quotations, and requests for proposal. OpenGov allows you to add as many contacts from your organization so you receive notification of solicitation opportunities, but it is strongly recommended that you include a primary email address for the individual that will respond to the solicitation. It is important to remember that this is a self-maintained system, so when information about your company changes, you must update the information in OpenGov or you will not receive notifications.

Becoming a vendor with Pinellas County opens doors to additional business and sales opportunities and a new working relationship is created. Doing business with the County is a fair, competitive process and dollars are not always the only criteria for success. Other considerations may be responsiveness, responsibility, quality, service, timeliness, past performance, and stability.  Many factors are considered in arriving at the best offer for goods and services for the County.

Easy Steps To Do Business With Pinellas County:

Step #1: APPLY HERE – OpenGov Procurement
You can view the commodity listing  before registering.

Step #2: Call for Assistance or Advice (if needed):
Should you need technical assistance with OpenGov, the following options are available:

If you have procedural questions, please contact the analyst designated in the solicitation. You can also seek assistance with general questions by contacting William Harvey at or (727) 464-5139, or by calling the Purchasing front desk at (727) 464-3311.

Step #3: Watch for New Business Opportunities:
When registering on OpenGov Procurement, make sure to subscribe to Pinellas County so you can be notified of the County’s active solicitations. Be alert, timely, and responsive to the posted bid opportunities and make sure you respond by the designated submittal due date.

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