About the Historic Preservation Board

Pinellas County enjoys a rich and diverse culture and historic past. The County’s historical, cultural and aesthetic heritage and unique perspectives of the past are among its most valued assets.
Because of widespread growth and redevelopment in recent years, it is critical to the future of our county that we preserve and maintain significant elements of its history where possible. The Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan provides a foundation for the County’s historic preservation policy.
With this in mind, the Board of County Commissioners created the Historic Preservation Task Force, composed of historic preservation professionals, interested residents and city representatives to begin work on a historic preservation ordinance. The 15-member board, which eventually became the Historic Preservation Board, was established to study, analyze and develop a historic preservation program for Pinellas County.
Cultural Resource Study and Historic Preservation Ordinance
The resulting Pinellas Countywide Cultural Resource Study contains historic context, a historic resource inventory and recommendations for the county and each of its 24 cities for future historic preservation planning.
In 2008, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the historic preservation ordinance, affirming historic preservation as county policy and establishing the Historic Preservation Advisory Board. In 2013, the Board of County Commissioners amended the ordinance, transforming the Advisory Board into the Historic Preservation Board with existing and new responsibilities, including:
- Updating the historic resources inventory/database.
- Developing and promoting historic preservation programs, including responsibility for local landmark and landmark area designations.
- Providing educational outreach and technical assistance on historic preservation.
- Reviewing applications for historic designations.
- Making decisions on certificates of appropriateness.
Pinellas County was designated a Florida Certified Local Government by the State of Florida in 2015 as a result of the County’s ongoing historic preservation commitment, meeting specific requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Within the unincorporated area of the county, there is one designated historic district, the Old Palm Harbor Downtown District (with specific development regulations and requirements).
The Historic Preservation Board welcomes input from all residents and the perspectives of all those who can continue to enhance the rich heritage of Pinellas County.
The Pinellas County Planning Department provides staff support to the Historic Preservation Board. If you have comments, questions, ideas or concerns, use our contact form or call the Planning Department at (727) 464-8200.