Tropical Storm Helene Evacuation Order for Zone A and Mobile Home Residents Pursuant to Resolution 24-68

WHEREAS, the weather system presently identified as Tropical Storm Helene by the National Hurricane Center (“Helene”), poses a serious potential threat to the residents and property of Pinellas County; and

WHEREAS, the current forecast error of the National Hurricane Center does not allow for a precise track of Helene to determine the threat level from wind damage or rain or the related protective measures required; and

WHEREAS, Helene has the potential for causing substantial damage to public utilities, public buildings, public communication systems, public streets and roads, public drainage systems, commercial and residential buildings and areas; and

WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Florida has promulgated Executive Order 24-208 and Executive Order 24-209, wherein he found that a state of emergency exists within the State of Florida, and the Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County has declared a local state of emergency pursuant to Resolution No. 24-68; and

WHEREAS, Resolution No. 24-68 identified that the County Administrator and designated successors in authority are empowered to order mandatory evacuation orders in response to evolving conditions in accordance with the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP); and

WHEREAS, Section 2.04(k) of the Pinellas County Charter grants to the County all special and necessary power to provide for the development and implementation of civil preparedness programs; and

WHEREAS, Chapter 34 of the Pinellas County Code sets forth provisions to ensure the readiness of Pinellas County, provide for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare, and preserve the lives and property of the people of Pinellas County in the face of a natural or manmade disaster.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND DECLARED in accordance with Resolution No. 24-68:

1.) That in light of the serious threat to the lives and property of Pinellas County residents posed by Helene, a mandatory evacuation is ordered for evacuation Zone A, and for all residents of mobile homes in any evacuation zone. The evacuation is to commence at 9:00 a.m. on September 25, 2024.

2.) This evacuation shall remain in force until ended by further order. All prior orders remain in full force and effect. Any unauthorized person located in, or attempting to enter, an evacuation area after the above stated completion time shall be in violation of F.S. §252.50, and subject to the penalties therein.

Ordered this 25th day of September 2024, at 8: 55 a.m.

Signed by Barry Burton
County Administrator or Successor

PCAO 492094

By: Keiah Townsend
Office of the County Attorney

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