Lealman CRA Performance Measures
Goals and Objectives 2025
Goal: Community Re-Development and Revitalization
- Objective 1: Enhance commercial properties to attract new businesses and improve economic vitality through the Commercial Improvement Grant Program.
- Measurement: The number and total amount of commercial grants funded.
- Standard: The total number and total amount of commercial grants funded will increase yearly.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal: Housing and Residential Community Re-Development
- Objective 1: Support housing options that are affordable, sustainable, and accessible through partnerships with not-for-profit development organizations.
- Measurement: The CRA will have an agreement with a not-for-profit developer to build affordable, sustainable, and accessible housing.
- Standard: The CRA will have at least one agreement annually with a not-for-profit developer to build affordable, sustainable, and accessible housing.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
- Objective 2: Increase residential neighborhoods’ aesthetic and structural appeal with the Residential Improvement Facade Grant program.
- Measurement: The number and total amount of residential façade grants funded.
- Standard: The number and total amount of funded residential façade grants will increase yearly.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
- Objective 3: Enhance public safety through funding the Alleyway Project.
- Measurement: Continue to maintain alleys and clear partially or fully obstructed alleys so that they may become traversable annually.
- Standard: Continue to maintain alleys and clear on average 2 monthly alleys that were partially or fully obstructed alleys so that they may become traversable annually.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal: Public Space Enhancement
- Objective 1: Enhance community spaces and public pride through the Public Arts Project.
- Measurement: Facilitate public art installations within the CRA
- Standard: Facilitate at least 3 public art installations (or equivalent based on size and complexity) within the CRA
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
- Objective 2: Invest in public spaces and/or parks within the CRA to promote a healthy community and provide for gathering areas.
- Measurement: Enhance public spaces through infrastructure or capital projects that make the space inviting for the public
- Standard: Enhance public spaces through infrastructure or capital projects that make the space inviting for the public with at least one public space enhancement project annually
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal: Land Acquisition
- Objective 1: Spur redevelopment opportunities within the CRA Commercial Districts by acquiring properties consistent with the CRA Plan.
- Measurement: Review of Multiple Listing Services, tax deed sales & foreclosures
- Standard: Conduct monthly reviews of Multiple Listing Services, tax deed sales & foreclosures
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
- Objective 2: Improve neighborhood aesthetics and safety while reducing blight by acquiring and demolishing unsafe or unsightly properties.
- Measurement: Review of Multiple Listing Services, tax deed sales & foreclosures
- Standard: Conduct monthly reviews of Multiple Listing Services, tax deed sales & foreclosures
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No
Goal: Annual Budget Requirements
- Objective: Prepare and approve the annual proposed budget in accordance with statutory requirements.
- Measurement: Adoption of Final Budget as evidenced by meeting minutes and budget documents.
- Standard: Budget approval & adoption by September 30 and posted to the Lealman CRA’s website two (2) days before the County budget hearing and post the adopted budget to the Lealman CRA website within 30 days
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal: Audited Financial Statements
- Objective: Conduct an annual independent financial audit per statutory requirements.
- Measurement: Audit completion and publication timeliness on the Lealman CRA’s website and transmitted to the State of Florida.
- Standard: Audit completed by an independent auditing firm per statutory requirements, and results were posted to the Lealman CRA Website and transmitted to the State of Florida
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal: Annual Community Redevelopment Area Report
- Objective: Complete the Annual Lealman CRA Report per Florida Statutes.
- Measurement: The generation and submission of the Annual Report
- Standard: The generation and submission and posting of the Annual Report by March 31 annually on the Lealman CRA Webpage
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐