Lost and Found Pet Resources

What Should I Do If I Lose My Pet?
- Place flyers in your neighborhood, local pet stores and vet offices. Make sure you drive around the neighborhood. Check with other pet owners where your pet may go to socialize.
- If your pet is microchipped, contact your microchip company. Let them know your pet is lost and make sure your name, address and phone number are up to date.
- Make sure you keep your animal license tag updated with your home address, home phone and alternate phone numbers. If someone finds your pet and calls in the license number, we can look it up, give them your information and help reunite you with your pet much faster.
- Visit your local animal shelters.
- Check local newspaper listings.
- Check and/or post online.
Check out our database of found dogs and cats!
This list is always changing, so check back often.
Petco Lost Love
Petco Lost Love uses facial recognition technology to help reunite lost dogs and cats with their families, allowing anyone with computer access to be a superhero.
Report a Lost or Found Pet
If you FIND a stray dog or cat, visit the Petco Lost Love website, click I Found a Pet, enter the found location, snap a picture on your phone and upload. From there, the technology will match that photo with photos of pets that have been reported missing. You can also call (727) 582-2600, option *8 and complete a Found Report.
If you have LOST a dog or cat, visit the Petco Lose Love website, click I Lost a Pet, enter lost location, upload your pet’s picture and it will search found reports, including animals in our care and at other shelters. Our partnership automatically updates all of our shelter’s pets to the website.
If you find an animal that you think is yours, email animalrequest@pinellas.gov or call us at (727) 582-2600, option *8. Please have the Animal Number ready. Note: Please do not let three days go by without coming to the shelter for a visual inspection of the dogs and cats in our care.
How Do I Reclaim A Lost Pet From Animal Services?
All pets that come into the Pinellas County Animal Shelter are examined carefully for both a county license and a microchip.
If the pet has a county license or a microchip, we will have your personal information in our database and will contact you the next working day to inform you that we have your pet.
Please remember to keep your microchip and county license information current at all times so that we can reunite you with your lost pet.
If your pet has no form of identification, you should immediately begin a physical search at all the local animal shelters for your lost pet.
Visit our Found page and note that an agent can reclaim your pet on your behalf.
Impound Fees
Impound fees are based on the current fee schedule approved by the Board of County Commissioners.
What Do I Do If I Found A Pet?
If you find a lost pet, please first make a reasonable attempt to locate the animal’s owner. If you cannot find the owner, call Animal Services at (727) 582-2600 or bring the pet to the shelter at 12450 Ulmerton Road, Largo, 33774.
- Please safely confine the pet.
- If the pet is wearing a tag, do not remove it. Get the Tag ID number and call the phone number provided on the tag. If the pet does not have a tag, drive around the neighborhood to look for any Lost Pet flyers and talk to neighbors to see if anyone is missing their pet.
- Have the pet scanned for a microchip, if possible.
- Check other local animal shelters and the Petco Lost Love website to post the found pet’s description and photo.
Thank you for your efforts to reunite pets with their owners!