Water system maintenance to begin September 23

Pinellas County Utilities will temporarily change its water disinfection process to chlorine from Monday, Sept. 23 through Saturday, Oct. 12. During this time, drinking water may smell or taste slightly different but there will be no impact to water pressure or service.
This semiannual switch temporarily changes the method of water treatment from chloramine to chlorine disinfection to improve water quality and minimize the potential for any future problems in the water system.
Kidney dialysis patients should not be impacted but should contact their dialysis care provider for more information about chlorine disinfection and how it affects their treatment. Fish owners should not be affected if they already have a system to remove chloramines but should contact local pet suppliers with any questions.
There have been no indications of significant bacteriological contamination problems in the system, and the water will continue to meet all federal and state standards for safe drinking water. Pinellas County Utilities water customers will benefit from this, as well as customers in the cities of Clearwater, Pinellas Park and Safety Harbor.
For more information, please visit pinellas.gov/utilities or contact Pinellas County Utilities Business & Customer Services at (727) 464-4000.