Pinellas County Health Facilities Authority

This authority has powers conferred by Florida statutes to develop, finance and maintain health facilities. The primary activities include property acquisition, construction, leasing, repairs, issuing project revenue bonds and giving an annual report to the BCC.

Special District Information

  • The full legal name of the special district:
    Pinellas County Health Facilities Authority.
  • The public purpose of the special district:
    The health facilities authority shall have all the powers conferred by the enabling act, F.S. ch. 154, pt. III (F.S. § 154.201 et seq.), and the powers of local agency pursuant to F.S. ch. 159, pt. II (F.S. § 159.25 et seq.), as amended, but only in regard to development, financing and maintaining of health facilities. See Pinellas County Code s. 2-425 for additional detail.
  • Membership Information
  • The fiscal year of the special district:
    FY22 Budget

Charter Information

  • The full text of the special district’s charter (or special law, ordinance, or resolution creating the district)
    Pinellas County Code Chapter 2, Article VI, DIVISION 9
    Ord. No. 82-33, § 5, 10-12-82; Ord. No. 89-68, § 2, 12-19-89; Ord. No. 93-58, § 1, 5-25-93.
  • The date of establishment: 10/12/82
  • The establishing entity: Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners
  • The statute(s) under which the special district operates, if different from the statute or statutes under which the special district was established.
    F.S. § 154.201 et seq.

Past Meetings

Date Title Attachments
July 10, 2024 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
June 12, 2024 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
May 8, 2024 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
April 10, 2024 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
March 13, 2024 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
February 14, 2024 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
January 10, 2024 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
December 13, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
November 8, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
October 11, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
September 13, 2023 Health Facilities Authority Agenda
August 29, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Special Meeting – Canceled
August 9, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
July 12, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
June 14, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
May 10, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
April 12, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
March 8, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
February 8, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
January 11, 2023 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
December 14, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Canceled
November 9, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
October 12, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
September 14, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
August 10, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
July 13, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
June 8, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
May 11, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
April 13, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
March 9, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
February 9, 2022 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
December 8, 2021 Health Facilities Authority Agenda
November 10, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
October 20, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Special Meeting Agenda
October 13, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
September 8, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
August 11, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
July 14, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
June 9, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
May 12, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
April 14, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
March 10, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
February 10, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled
January 13, 2021 Health Facilities Authority – Cancelled

Meeting Information

All meetings in 2020 were cancelled.

  • Meeting Time: 5 p.m.
  • Meeting Location:
    Pinellas County Courthouse
    315 Court Street, 6th Floor Conference Room, Clearwater, FL 33756

Contact Information

Boundary and Services Information

  • A description of the boundaries or service area of the special district
    The boundaries are the same as the boundaries of Pinellas County.
  • Description of the services provided by the special district
    The health facilities authority has all the powers conferred by the enabling act, §§154.201 et seq., Florida Statutes, and the powers of local agency pursuant to §§159.25 et seq., Florida Statutes, as amended, but only in regard to development, financing and maintenance of health facilities, including but not limited to acquiring property, constructing, leasing, repairing, projects, making and executing agreements of leases, contracts and other such instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of its functions, issuing bonds for the purpose of paying for projects, employing consulting engineers, architects, surveyors, attorneys, accountants, financial experts, an executive director and other such employees as are necessary, acquiring existing projects and reimbursing any health facilities for the cost of such projects, issuing revenue bonds, keeping records of all proceedings, and reporting to the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners the authority’s activities of the preceding year.
  • List all taxes, fees, assessments, or charges imposed and collected by the special district, including the rates or amounts for the fiscal year and the statutory authority for the levy of the tax, fee, assessment, or charge. (For purposes of this subparagraph, charges do not include patient charges by a hospital or other health care provider.)The applicant shall bear all costs and expenses incurred incident to the preparation of its application. The authority shall provide for the timely review of each project by the county administrator, or his designee, in such a way as to minimize the expenditure of funds by the applicant should the review prove to be unfavorable. If the initial review is favorable, the applicant shall proceed with finalizing the bond issue for final approval by the board of county commissioners. The application fee shall include one-quarter of one percent of the bond issue for use by the county to assure that the medically indigent are served under the provisions of this division. Certain hospitals may be excluded from the provisions of this subsection at the discretion of the board of county commissioners. (No indigent fee has been charged (all waived by the BCC) since 2004).

Primary Contact Information for the Special District for the Purposes of Communication from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity