Mosquito Control
Pinellas County provides mosquito treatment and prevention services to the entire county, including all 24 municipalities.

Public Works Department
The Public Works Department manages environmental, stormwater and transportation systems to provide a safe, sustainable and vibrant community for the people of Pinellas County.
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Stormwater & Vegetation Division
Stormwater and Vegetation, a division of Public Works, operates and maintains the county's stormwater infrastructure, maintains right-of-ways, easements and other lands through the practice of urban forestry, landscape services, and vegetation management. The division also provides countywide mosquito control for public health protection, is responsible for watershed management and surface water quality as well as the administration of the county's floodplain management program.
Learn MoreWith spike in mosquito-borne illness detection, take extra care
Pinellas County Mosquito Control has seen increased transmission of mosquito-borne West Nile Virus through its sentinel chicken illness detection program and is......
Mosquito Control Treatments
Pinellas County aims to provide an environment as mosquito-free as possible for the comfort and well-being of our residents and visitors. Mosquito......
Practice the 3 Ds to protect yourself from mosquitos
While there are currently no active local cases of mosquito-borne illness in Pinellas County, residents and visitors are reminded to take the......
Pinellas: Recomendaciones para protegerse de los mosquitos
Aunque en la actualidad no hay casos locales activos de enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos en el Condado Pinellas, se recuerda a los......
Mosquito Control Community Education and Outreach Services
Pinellas County Mosquito Control offers a variety of education and outreach services. Depending on your needs, we are available for half, full,......
Request Mosquito Service
When you request service, we’ll ask for your contact information plus a few questions that can help the technician look for the......
Here’s what you can do to keep the mosquitoes away
It’s Mosquito Control Awareness Week, and with summer rains approaching, Pinellas County Vegetation Management and Mosquito Control is reminding residents they can......
Invasive Water Hyacinth
An information sheet about the invasive water hyacinth....
Report a Problem in Your Community
Report issues with air quality, potholes, sidewalks, illegal dumping, mistimed traffic signals, graffiti and more to Pinellas County on this webpage or......
Public Works by the Numbers
Learn the many ways Public Works serves Pinellas County by the number of accomplishments....