Utilities Water System: User Fees

User fees were adopted October 1, 2022. To view other system fees, select the appropriate link below.

Wastewater (Sewer) Fees

Reclaimed Water Fees

UTILITIES - WATER SYSTEM Effective October 1, 2022
A. Water
1. Deposits by Meter Size - Water 3/4" $110.00
2. Deposits by Meter Size - Water 01" $220.00
3. Deposits by Meter Size - Water 1-1/2" $630.00
4. Deposits by Meter Size - Water 02" $1,620.00
5. Deposits by Meter Size - Water 03" $1,620.00
6. Deposits by Meter Size - Water 04" $6,850.00
7. Deposits by Meter Size - Water 06'' and up $12,500.00
B. Sewer
1. Deposits by Meter Size - Sewer 3/4" $180.00
2. Deposits by Meter Size - Sewer 01" $320.00
3. Deposits by Meter Size - Sewer 1-1/2" $860.00
4. Deposits by Meter Size - Sewer 02" $2,190.00
5. Deposits by Meter Size - ewer 03" $2,190.00
6. Deposits by Meter Size - Sewer 04" $9,250.00
7. Deposits by Meter Size - Sewer 06" and up $16,700.00
A. Meter & Meter Box
1. Meter & Meter Box 5/8" x 3/4" (Excludes Tap and Service) $590.00
2. Meter & Meter Box 1" (Excludes Tap and Service) $630.00
3. Meter & Meter Box 1-1/2" (Excludes Tap and Service) $900.00
4. Meter & Meter Box 2" (Excludes Tap and Service) $990.00
5. Meter & Meter Box 2-2" Parallel (Excludes Tap and Service) $1,770.00
6. Meter 4" and larger (Excludes Tap and Service) At Cost
B. Tap and Service Line
1. Tap and Service Line 5/8" x 3/4" $530.00
2. Tap and Service Line 1" $530.00
3. Tap and Service Line 1-1/2" 820.00
4. Tap and Service Line 2" $850.00
5. Tap and Service Line 2-2" Parallel $1,360.00
C. Temporary
1. Temporary In-ground Installation cost for size meter requested plus applicable deposit fee
2. Temporary Fire Hydrant Meter $240.00 plus applicable deposit fee
D. Related Fees
1. Service Line Road Crossing Fee (cost per foot) $35.00
E. Removal of Meter and Water Service Connection $350.00
A. Reduced Pressure Device - Single
1. Installed by County Single 3/4" $800.00
2. Installed by County Single 1" $830.00
3. Installed by County Single 1-1/2" $1,020.00
4. Installed by County Single 2" $1,020.00
5. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Single 4" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
6. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Single 6" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
7. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Single 8" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
8. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, 6" & 4" Combo (combine cost of 4" & 6" device) At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
B. Reduced Pressure Device - Parallel
1. Installed by County Parallel 3/4" $1,330.00
2. Installed by County Parallel 1" $1,390.00
3. Installed by County Parallel 1-1/2" $1,780.00
4. Installed by County Parallel 2" $2,130.00
5. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Parallel 4" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
6. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Parallel 6" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
7. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Parallel 8" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
C. Double Check Valve Device - Single*
1. Installed by County Single 3/4" $890.00
2. Installed by County Single 1" $910.00
3. Installed by County Single 1-1/2" $1,100.00
4. Installed by County Single 2" $1,160.00
5. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Single 4" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
6. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Single 6" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
7. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Single 8" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
8. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, 6" & 4" Combo
Combine cost of 4" & 6" device
At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
D. Double Check Valve Device - Parallel*
1. Installed by County Parallel 3/4" $1,510.00
2. Installed by County Parallel 1" $1,510.00
3. Installed by County Parallel 1-1/2" $1,560.00
4. Installed by County Parallel 2" $1,940.00
5. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Parallel 4" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
6. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Parallel 6" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
7. Installed by Owner, Provided by County, Parallel 8" At cost + warehouse handling fee of $34.00
* Double check valves for unmetered fire lines required an additional 3/4" double check valve for leak check meter. $160.00
E. Installation by County:
1. Installed by County, 4" At cost
2. Installed by County, 6" At cost
3. Installed by County, 8" At cost
F. Related Fees
1. Backflow Stands ($33 each) $65.00
G. Backflow Device Maintenance (charged as a bimonthly fee)
1. Residential (Residential > 4 Units), or Commercial/Small Fireline, ≤2" $11.67
2. Commercial/Multi-Family, DCVNDCDA, ≥ 4" $30.83
3. Commercial/Multi-Family, RP, ≥ 4" $31.67
4. Residential (Residential < 3 Units) and ≥ 1" $3.18
A. Turn on Fee (scheduled) future date $17.00
B. Turn on Fee same date $42.00
C-1. Pre-termination notice $7.00
C-2. Pre-termination notice delivery (trip fee) $65.00
D. Delinquent turn off $30.00
E-1. Delinquent turn on future date (reconnect) $24.00
E-2. Delinquent turn on future date (Saturday, Sunday, holidays - service 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) $36.00
F-1. Delinquent turn on same date (after hours) $42.00
F-2. Delinquent turn on same date (Saturday, Sunday, holidays - service 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) $63.00
G. Return check processing Per Florida Statute
H. Special meter reading - water already on $18.00
I. Check last reading fee (if routine or special meter reading was correct) or off-cycle reading for billing $18.00
J. Meter reset fee 3/4" to 2" $65.00
K. Larger than 2" At cost
L-1. Meter test in shop (if meter is registered within accuracy range - 3/4" to 1 ") $155.00
L-2. Meter test in shop (if meter is registered within accuracy range - 1 1/2" to 2 ") $155.00
M-1. Electronic Meter Data Logging: Single Family $155.00
M-2. Electronic Meter Data Logging: Multi-Unit $460.00
N. Meter test in field
(if meter is registered within accuracy range - larger than 2")
At cost
O. Hydrant meter deposit charge Tie to deposit
P. Service/Trip/Truck Charge $43.00
NOTE: Services that are provided after hours at the request of the customer will be charged at two times the approved rate.
A Installation charge for fire hydrant only - 5 1/4" At cost
B. Standby Charges for unmetered private fire protection facilities:
1. Annual Charge 6" or less fire line $215.00
2. Annual Charge 8" fire line $450.00
3. Annual Charge 10" fire line $820.00
4. Annual Charge 12" fire line $1,320.00
Persons desiring to have public fire protection facilities relocated shall pay in advance 100% of the estimated cost of relocation. Upon completion of the project they shall be billed actual cost plus overhead, less the amount advanced. Governmental agencies will not be required to prepay.
C. Potable fire hydrant flow test $190.00
1. Concrete Pipe Main (minimum $5,000) At cost, but not less than $5,000.00
2. Tap 2" Main Line - Iron/PVC Pipe Main 16" or less $1,800.00
3. Tap 4" - Iron/PVC Pipe Main 16" or less $1,870.00
4. Tap 6" - Iron/PVC Pipe Main 24" or less $2,020.00
5. Tap 8" - Iron/PVC Pipe Main 24" or less $2,130.00
6. Tap 12" - Iron/PVC Pipe Main 24" or less $2,130.00
These charges are for labor and material only to tap and install valve boxes on the County water mains. The cost for restoration will be in addition to these charges and will be the actual cost of materials and labor plus overhead. Meter taps 2" in diameter or less are not permitted on concrete mains. Mains 24" in diameter or larger are considered to be transmission mains and tapping will not be permitted except as authorized by the Director of Pinellas County Utilities.
Taps on mains 24" in diameter and larger requiring well pointing by the County will be required to pay in advance the anticipated well pointing charge at the current contract price. In the event well pointing is not required the well pointing charge will be refunded.
A. Residential Impact Fees:
1. Single Family Homes
a. 5/8" x 3/4" meter $352.00
b. 1" meter $880.00
2. Duplex (master metered) 1-3/4" meter $493.00
3. Triplex (master metered) 1-1" meter $634.00
4. Apartments (master metered) (loft or den = additional bedroom)
a. 1 bedroom $141.00
b. 2 bedroom $176.00
c. 3 bedroom $211 .00
5. Mobile Homes (master metered) $246.00
6. Hotel/Motel & Travel Trailer Park Based on meter size
B. Commercial Impact Fees:
1. 5/8 x 3/4" meter ERU 1 $352.00
2. 1" meter ERU 2.5 $880.00
3. 1-1/2" meter ERU 5 $1,760.00
4. 2" meter" ERU 10 $3,520.00
5. 2-2" in manifold ERU 20 $7,040.00
6. 4" Compound ERU 30 $10,560.00
7. 4" turbine ERU 40 $14,080.00
8. 6" FM-CT ERU 100 $35,200.00
9. 8" FM-CT" ERU 175 $61,600.00
Due to financial hardship, the County's deferred payment program can be used to pay for the cost of impact and connection fees. The program calls for payment of the fees over a six (6) year period at an interest rate of 8%.
Line extension and other special installation not covered by this schedule of rates and fees will be charged material costs plus 15% and cost of labor plus 105%
The front footage cost of pipe installed is established as the cost of the pipe per foot plus the cost of labor and materials as installed and related to a cost per linear foot.
See resolution #87-371 , Section XI
See resolution #87-371 , Section XII
See resolution #87-371, Section XIII
See resolution #87-371 , Section XIV
A. General
See resolution #87-371 , Section XV, Part A
B. Monthly Meter Service Charges
The monthly meter service charge applicable for wholesale accounts for meter maintenance, meter reading, telemetry charges, billing and accounting are as follows:
1. Meter Size 3/4" $6.00
2. Meter Size 1" $7.00
3. Meter Size 1-1/2" $8.00
4. Meter Size 2" $900
5. Meter Size 4" $44.00
6. Meter Size 6" $82.00
7. Meter Size 8" $85.00
8. Meter Size 10" $90.00
9. Meter Size 12" $95.00
10. Meter Size 16" $110.00
11. Meter Size 20" $133.00
12. Over 20", or other types $150.00
Unpaid accounts will become delinquent thirty (30) days after the date of billing.
C. Meter Connections
See resolution #87-371 , Section XV, Part D
D. Eligibility
See resolution #87-371 , Section XV, Part E
A. Category A - Active Water Accounts $0.65 for each utility service
B. Category C - No Water Account (for first service) $0.65 for first service
A. Onsert fee - Includes the cost of PCU design, developing, and coordination required in getting the onsert to the mail house contractor for placement, testing, and distribution on the invoice. $0.07 per onsert
B. Onsert fee - The requestor provides their own design and development of the onsert. PCU will perform the coordination required in getting the onsert to the mail house contractor for placement, testing, and distribution on the invoice. At cost
C. If an insert goes out that causes the total weight of the mail package to exceed the standard first class mail rate, the organization that requested the insert pays the additional cost of postage. At cost
D. Miscellaneous change order fee $4.25 per change order
NOTE: "at cost" shall be calculated based upon actual material and labor costs plus overhead.