Animal Services Enforcement

Our animal control officers stay busy providing coverage to the community seven days a week. Pinellas County Animal Services only has one standby officer on call for emergencies (calls that have a police officer standing by) on Sundays and after hours.
Mission Statement
The Enforcement Division of Pinellas County Animal Services strives to enhance the quality of life in our community through citizen education, to provide compassionate enforcement of current ordinances/laws relating to the treatment of animals, and to work toward the elimination of neglect and abuse of domestic animals within our jurisdiction.
Division Goals
- Professionalism in all situations
- Consistent enforcement
- Expanded public outreach and citizen education
- Improved Animal Control Officer continuing education
- Improved efficiency and productivity
Learn more about local laws and ordinances related to animals.
Animal Services Enforcement is responsible for:
- Animal cruelty
- Animal hoarding
- Dangerous dogs
- Nuisance pets
- Stray and feral cat programs
- Tethering enforcement
Licensed Trappers
View current list of trappers on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website.
Sec. 14-30 Public nuisance animals
(4) Placing food or garbage, allowing the placement of food or garbage, or offering food or garbage in such a manner that it attracts cats, dogs, raccoons, coyotes or other wildlife and thereby creates a public nuisance.
Sec. 14-63 Dogs or cats at large.
(a) No dog or cat shall run at large within the county, as defined under this article. Any person who possesses, harbors, keeps, or has control or custody of any dog or cat which is running at large shall be in violation of this article, regardless of the knowledge, intent or culpability of the owner.
(b) This section shall not apply to police dogs as defined in F.S. – 843.19 when such dogs are engaged by a law enforcement agency in an official capacity, or to any dog which is actually engaged in or being trained for the sport of hunting during a legal hunting season within authorized areas and supervised by the owner.
(c) The owner of any female dog or cat in heat (estrus) which is not kept confined in a secure enclosure, such as a building, veterinary hospital, boarding kennel or closed kennel, such that the female dog or cat cannot come in contact with any male dog or cat, except when the owners of both animals intend to breed such animals, shall be deemed in violation of this article. A fenced area is not sufficient enclosure for the purpose and intent of this subsection.