Animal Services Stats CY 2020

2021 Species Canine Feline Other Total
Live Intake
A Stray 2331 3533 5864
B Owner Surrender 153 234 387
C Owner Intended Euthanasia 372 166 538
D Transfer In 0 0 0
E Other Intake 41 93 134
F Total Live Intake 2897 4026 6923
Live Outcomes
G Adoptions 660 1196 1856
H RTO 1086 145 1231
I Transfer Out 401 1594 1995
J Return to Field 0 66 66
K Total Live Outcomes 2147 3001 5148
L Died In Care 3 59 62
M Lost in Care 0 0 0
N Shelter Euth 386 837 1223
O Owner Requested Euth 363 161 524
P Total Outcomes 2899 4058 6957
Live Release no Owner Request Euth 85% 78% 81%
Please note transfers includes all pets sent to Rescue Groups and other Shelters Partners for possible adoption.