JAG-C Grant FY2024-2025 Questions and Answers
There does not appear to be an outcomes template included in the grant application.
The Goals and Outcome Template can be downloaded with the Application Section D. Program Outcomes and Goals. In the D.1 instructions, the template can be downloaded by clicking the Appendix A hyperlink.
I would like to ask for a portion of a position. On the Budget sheet – do I show the program's total cost (Full salary, benefits, and operational costs in the first column), and what we are applying for in the second column? Or should the budget sheet only show exactly what our request is for – not the total budget?
Yes. You need to include the total project budget, but also the amount you are requesting and what that number encompasses, keeping in mind unit versus direct costs.
Are there any licensure requirements to access these funds? For example, substance use treatment license. The mental health category is not very specific. Would the JAG funds pay for a Certified Addictions Professional (CAP) to provide therapeutic services to residents of a group home serving forensically involved clients who have mental illnesses?
Yes, this seems to be allowable as it is still a criminal justice purpose.