Mosquito Control Community Education and Outreach Services
Pinellas County Mosquito Control offers a variety of education and outreach services. Depending on your needs, we are available for half, full, or multi-day programming.
School Programs
Mosquito Mania Classroom Program
Our Mosquito Mania program is designed to meet K-5 Next Generation Sunshine State Science Standards. This two-part program includes a 20–25-minute presentation and an “Insect Zoo Lab” (~20 minutes) with live specimens and hands-on observation worksheet. Optional homework is available. Length of program and included content may be adjusted upon request.
To request this program, advance notice of one week is preferred for the collection of live specimens. Specimens may include the mosquito lifecycle (eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults) and different aquatic predators of mosquitoes, depending on what can be collected in the field for requested date.
Mosquito Mania covers:
- What makes animals similar and different
- What makes an insect an insect
- What does an insect need to live
- Complete vs incomplete metamorphosis
- Mosquitoes of Florida
- The mosquito lifecycle and biology
- How are mosquitoes helpful and harmful
- What eats mosquitoes

Community Programs
Community programs are completely customizable with topics that include:
- Mosquito Mania (see above)
- Build-A-Mosquito craft
- Mosquito Mask craft
- Reading of Mr. Mosquito Put on His Tuxedo
- Speaker requests

We are available to visit libraries, summer camps, school-based camps, after-care programs and more. Adult education programming is also available through our speaker request services for groups interested in learning more about mosquito control and prevention.
Outreach Services
It is never too early to start talking about mosquitoes and we’re available to participate in your community or organizational events! Invite us to share mosquito awareness with your community. Upon request, our exhibit tables may include informational materials, educational resources as well as live mosquitoes and mosquitofish exhibits. We’re also available to participate in organized Touch-A-Truck events.

If you are interested in a Mosquito Control representative attending your event, please contact us:
- Call (727) 464-7503
- Email