Grove Terrace & Oakdale Terrace Water Main Replacement and Relocation Project

Project ID


Project Location

Oakdale Terrace, Johnson Road, and Grove Terrace in Seminole

Project Status

Construction: In progress

Project Overview

Pinellas County Utilities will replace the water distribution pipes on portions of Oakdale Terrace, Grove Terrace and Johnson Road in Seminole and install new water service lines. The existing cast iron and galvanized pipes are aging and will be replaced with materials that meet both Pinellas County and industry standards. These updates will improve water system reliability, reduce the risk of service interruptions and improve public safety.

In an effort to minimize the impact on local residents, this project will accommodate the City of Seminole’s upcoming drainage improvement project.

Project Goals

  • Replace aging cast iron and galvanized pipes
  • Replace existing and install new water service lines
  • Improve public safety by replacing fire hydrants in the area
  • Accommodate future stormwater improvements proposed by the City of Seminole

Project Location

The Grove Terrace & Oakdale Terrace Water Main Relocation Project will replace and relocate the water main on Oakdale Terrace from Johnson Road to Seminole Boulevard, on Grove Terrace from Johnson Road east to mid-block and on Johnson Road from Oakdale Terrace to Grove Terrace.

Project Funding

This project is funded by Pinellas County’s Water Enterprise Fund.

Anticipated Project Timeline

Construction: August – November 2024

Contact Us

Guillermo “Billy” Bay, E.I.
Project Manager
Public County Utilities
14 S. Ft Harrison Ave., Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 464-4220