Subaqueous Water Main Replacement – Pass-A-Grille to Tierra Verde

Project ID


Project Location

Intercoastal water way between Pass-a-Grille Beach at 9th Avenue & Pass-A-Grille Way, and Pine Key at 8th Avenue North & 6th Street West.

Project Status

Study: In progress

Project overview

The existing 16-inch cast iron water main running under the intercoastal waterway between Pass-A-Grille Beach and Pine Key in Tierra Verde is nearing the end of its expected lifespan. Using subsurface directional drilling, this project will replace the approximately 2,900 feet of the old main with one in the same diameter made of update materials. The existing line is currently resting on the seafloor and will be removed.

As this project involves a submerged pipeline, there will be survey, construction, and support watercraft operating in the Pass-A-Grille Channel throughout the preparation and construction phases. This may affect boating traffic patterns in the area.

Project Goals

  • Replace the aging cast iron water main
  • Reduce the risk of line failures and subsequent service interruptions
  • Improve seabed health

Project Location

This image depicts the project area with Pass-A-Grille on the left, Tierra Verde on the right, and the Capri Channel in between. The pipe being replaced is denoted using a solid black line running diagonally from lower right to upper left. Portions of this line are surrounded  by yellow shading indicating where directional drilling will b e used.

This project is located in the intercoastal waterway between Pass-A-Grille Beach at 9th Avenue & Pass-A-Grille Way and Pine Key at 8th Avenue North and 6th Street West.

Project Funding

This project is funded through Pinellas County’s Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Water Fund

Anticipated Project Timeline

Phase Anticipated StartAnticipated Completion
Survey and MappingMid-2025Late 2025
DesignMid-2026Early 2027
ConstructionEarly 2027Mid-2028
Onsite construction will typically take place between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The construction schedule may vary due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather.

Contact Us

William “Bill” Peters
Project Manager
Pinellas County Utilities
(727) 464-8435