Reduce Fertilizer Use When Irrigating With Reclaimed Water

Reclaimed water contains the same nutrients found in common fertilizers. This means if you’re using reclaimed water you can apply less fertilizer, saving you money while protecting our environment!

We’ve developed a map that shows how much nitrogen is being provided to your landscape if you’re irrigating with reclaimed water.

The fertilizer reduction app for reclaimed water users shows the amount of nitrogen provided to the landscape based on applying one inch of reclaimed water twice a week. We hope you find this tool useful when considering the amount of fertilizer you apply.

Please remember, four pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet per year is the maximum allowed under the Pinellas County Fertilizer Ordinance. This is more than enough nitrogen to support a healthy landscape while protecting our lakes, ponds, and marine waters.

Reclaimed Water

Lastly, because reclaimed water is rich in nutrients, please adjust your sprinkler heads so that the water stays on the grass and does not run down the street and into our waters!


Please contact Pinellas County Natural Resources by calling (727) 464-4425 or emailing