Lawn and Garden
Properly maintaining your lawn and garden will prevent pests and protect the environment around your home.

Environmental Management Division
Environmental Management, a division of Public Works, is responsible for monitoring and protecting Pinellas County's environmental resources. This division conducts proactive monitoring and manages projects and permits for the protection of our natural and built environmental resources.
Learn MoreInfo & Programs
How to get rid of unwanted electronics in Pinellas County
Electronics Recycling & Disposal Do you ever wonder how to get rid of your electronics in Pinellas County? There are a lot......
Pinellas County Utilities addressing low reclaimed water pressure in North County
Pinellas County Utilities (PCU)’s reclaimed water supply faces challenges during times of severe drought due to strict watering schedules and increased demand......
Pinellas County Utilities to host free Water Conservation Expo April 27
Pinellas County Utilities is celebrating Earth Week with the next Go with The Flow: Water Conservation Expo Saturday, April 27, to provide North Pinellas residents with valuable water conservation information and resources....
Pinellas County Utilities to host free Water Conservation Expo March 16
Residents will have an opportunity to learn from experts how to use water-saving tools, implement Florida-Friendly Landscaping principles and use the new Utilities Customer Portal to save both water and money....
Seasonal reclaimed water restrictions in effect through Nov. 30
Pinellas County’s seasonal reclaimed water restrictions run through Thursday, Nov. 30. Due to supply fluctuations between the north and south county systems,......
Pinellas County Bee City USA
Pinellas County is proud to be designated a Bee City USA site in cooperation with Pinellas County Parks & Conservation Resources and......
Libre de Fertilizante
Una zona libre de fertilizante es un área en la que no puede utilizar fertilizante en ningún momento del año. Estas zonas......
Fertilizer-Free Zone
A fertilizer-free zone is an area where you may not fertilize at any time of the year. These designated zones are near......
Living Shorelines Program
Protect Your Property & Help the Environment Living shorelines use natural elements such as oyster reefs, marsh grasses and mangroves to protect......
Mantenimiento de Paisaje Las Mejores Prácticas
Spanish brochure about the best practices to maintain your landscaping....