Senior Connection Resources

Organization Name Assistance Category Phone Number Types of Assistance/Eligibility Requirements
Assurance Wireless Free Wireless Cell Phone Service (888) 321-5880 Assistance may be provided for low income individuals and recipients of the following: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Section 8, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), free/reduced lunch, or Bureau of Indian Affairs Program.
CHAP (Community Housing Assistance Program) Utility Bill (727) 442-9041 Deposit assistance when setting up new utility services and rental property, along with rental assistance.
Citizens Alliance for Progress (CAP) located at the Union Academy Family Center Electric Bill (727) 934-5881 Assistance for northern Pinellas County residents only. For more information, you may access the website at
Day Star Water and Electric (727) 825-0442 All Pinellas County residents are eligible to apply and considered on an individual needs basis.
Florida LifeLine Telephone Assistance Phone Bill Assistance (800) 540-7039 Federal assistance program that reduces the monthly telephone bill to low income heads of households. Household income must be at or below 135% of the poverty guidelines to be eligible. Lifeline is also offered on certain wireless companies and also includes broadband. May access the website at for an application.
First Contact Financial, Food, Shelter, Support for adults, children, youth, veterans and military families, Older Americans, Person with Disabilities along with Physical and Mental Resources and Crisis Intervention information (727) 210-4211 First Contact is a non-profit organization that provides the only free, confidential, multi-lingual, 24-hour telephone number 211 for access to community information, services & resources, and crisis intervention information for the residents of Pinellas County. The phone #211 is available 24/7. During regular business hours, Monday - Friday, you can also text your zip code to 898211 and/or visit the website at: for further assistance and information.
Free Clinic/We Help - St. Petersburg Water Bill (727) 823-3471
(727) 821-1200, x115
Pays the last $50.00 owed on the water bill, one time only, and within a 12 month period. Receipt showing balance left owing of $50.00 is required. By appointment only
High Point Neighborhood Family Center Electric Bill (727) 533-0730 Provides assistance for residents with minor children and living in the following zip code areas: 33760, 33762, 33764, 33770 and 33771.
Hope Villages of America Housing Stability Services (727) 446-5964 Hope Villages provides a variety of services that assist individuals and families with maintaining stable housing. Services include, but are not limited to: Case Management, Life Skills Classes, Workforce Development, Rent & Utility Assistance, Referrals and Emergency Housing Assistance. 1552 South Myrtle Ave, Clearwater, FL 33756 or 1520 N Saturn Ave, Clearwater, FL 33755.
Mattie Williams Neighborhood Family Center Water and Electric (727) 791-8255 Provides water and electric assistance, one time within a 12 month period, for residents living in the following zip code areas: 34677, 34695, 33759 and 33761.
Pinellas County Urban League Electric, Gas and Deposit (727) 327-0977 Assists with electric, gas and deposit.
Pinellas Opportunity Council Water and Electric (727) 823-4101 Past due electric bill and deposit assistance for seniors only (age 60+) and by appointment only. Assists with past due water and electric bills, (no deposits) for all age groups, and by appointment only. Also assists utility companies and customers in resolving high consumption/bill issues. They are not a licensed plumber, but can assist with minor repairs and trying to determine the actual cause of the high bill.
Safelink Wireless Free Cell Phone Service (800) 723-3546 Assistance may be provided for recipients of: Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Food Stamps, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8), Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIA), Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tribal TANF), Tribal Head Start (only those households meeting its income qualifying standard) and Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
Salvation Army Water, Electric and Gas (727) 446-4177 Properties north of Ulmerton Road only - provides assistance with the water for City of Clearwater, Dunedin, Pinellas County Utilities and Safety Harbor, along with Duke Energy and Clearwater Gas.
Salvation Army Water, Electric and Gas (727) 822-4954 Based upon the availability of funds, they provide assistance for water, electric and gas to properties south of Ulmerton Road.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul North Pinellas, Inc. Water and Electric (727) 442-5306 Referred to local churches. Assistance for water and electric is determined by your zip code area and as funds are available.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul South Pinellas, Inc. Water and Electric (727) 823-2516,
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Provides water and electric assistance.

Human Services Assistance Programs

Organization Name Assistance Category Phone Number Types of Assistance/Eligibility Requirements
Boley Centers Housing, Mental Health and Employment (727) 821-4819 Offers various types of housing assistance for low income individuals. Also assists with mental health, Section 8 and employment. No financial assistance provided.
Citizens Alliance for Progress (CAP) located at the Union Academy Family Center Clothing and Basic Necessities (727) 934-5881 Assistance for Tarpon Springs and Palm Harbor residents only. For more information you may access the website at
CHAP (Community Housing Assistance Program) Rental Assistance (727) 442-9041 Screening for rental assistance along with deposit assistance when setting up rental property or utility services.
Clearwater Housing Authority Housing (727) 461-5777 Provides housing assistance. For more information you may access the website at
Consumer Protection Consumer-Business and Landlord/Tenant Disputes (727) 464-6200 No financial assistance. Investigates most consumer-business disputes, including landlord/tenant, motor vehicle repair, home repairs, billing disputes, etc. Attempt to assist parties through mediation if civil in nature. Conducts criminal investigations of consumer fraud, and enforce various county ordinances, including towing.
F.E.A.S.T. (Food Emergency and Services Team) Food (727) 789-5275 Food pantry only, for residents living in the following zip code areas: 33761, 34677, 34681, 34682, 34683, 34684, 34685, 34695 and 34698. Must provide proof of residence and income (if applicable), along with a Social Security card or a Green Card, for each individual that is requesting assistance.
Gulf Coast Legal - St. Petersburg Legal Issues (727) 821-0726 Provides free legal assistance with specific concerns such as domestic violence, family issues, Social Security, human trafficking, taxes, housing assistance and foreclosures.
Hope Villages of America Abuse Services, Domestic Violence Services, (727) 442-4128 Hotline (727) 441-2029 For Seniors We offer confidential and always free consultations and a safe space to go to if you need to talk about it and find out what you should do. Outreach : Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm
HEP (Homeless Empowerment Program) Shelters (727) 442-9041 HEP processes the intake of individuals Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Individuals may also request for shelter at the main office Monday through Friday, 8:30 - 5:00.

Neighborly Care Network Programs

Adult Day Care Supervised Adult Activities (727) 573-9444, x3051 Request is reviewed and evaluated on a case by case situation.
First Contact Financial, Food, Shelter, Support for adults, children, youth, veterans and military families, Older Americans, Person with Disabilities along with Physical and Mental Resources and Crisis Intervention information. (727) 210-4211 First Contact is a non-profit organization that provides the only free, confidential, multi-lingual, 24-hour telephone number 211 for access to community information, services & resources, and crisis intervention information for the residents of Pinellas County. The phone #211 is available 24/7. During regular business hours, Monday - Friday, you can also text your zip code to 898211 and/or visit the website at: for further assistance and information.
Hope Villages of America Food Distribution Services (727) 443-4031 Individuals and families may access services once per month, receiving 3-4 days' worth of food for all household members per visit at 700 Druid Road, Clearwater, FL 33756
Meals on Wheels Meals Delivered to Home (727) 573-9444 Provides meals to individuals over 60, but may make exceptions to the age. All individuals under 60 are allowed to purchase a meal. Individuals need to call to have their request reviewed.
Senior Dining Food and Entertainment (727) 573-9444, x3025 Meals served along with socializing, informational programs and activities. Ages 60 years old or more.
Transportation Transportation (727) 571-4384 Provides medical transportation, shopping and field trips for individuals 60 years old or more.
Pinellas County Housing Authority Housing (727) 443-7684 Provides subsidized and HUD housing for Pinellas County, excluding St. Petersburg and Clearwater city limits.
Pinellas County Senior Connections Social Services, Housing, Transportation, Health Services and Discounts Various types of assistance supporting senior citizens. For more information, please visit our Age-Friendly Services and Resources page.
Pinellas County Veterans Services Various Non-Financial Assistance (727) 464-8460 (Clearwater)
(727) 582-7828 (St. Petersburg)
Wide variety of assistance available including filing claims for benefits for veterans, spouses and dependents.
Pinellas Heights Housing (727) 953-9809 Provides housing for seniors, 62 years old or more. This organization is affiliated with Pinellas County Housing Authority.
Pinellas Opportunity Council Rent and Mortgage (727) 953-9809 Provides assistance for past due rent and mortgage when funds are available. One time per a 12 month period, by appointment only and does not assist with deposits.
St. Ignatius Catholic Church Food and Prescriptions (727) 953-9809 Food Pantry for Tarpon springs residents only. Assists with the payment of Tarpon Springs Water bills, up to $25.00, if shut off is pending. Limited prescription assistance. Food Pantry open Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 10 a.m. – 11:45 a.m., except holidays.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul North Pinellas, Inc. Furniture, Household Furnishings, Meals and Clothes (727) 953-9809 Referred to local churches. Provides assistance for furniture and household furnishings, soup kitchen and a change of clothes (three times a year).
Society of St. Vincent de Paul South Pinellas, Inc. Clothing and Food Vouchers (727) 823-2516,
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Assists with clothing and food vouchers.
Tarpon Springs Housing Authority Housing (727) 937-4411
(727) 279-2814 (Fax)
Provides low income public housing assistance for families.