Watering Schedule and Rules
Watering Schedule
The authorized irrigation schedule for all Pinellas County Utilities customers is as follows:
Customers north of SR580
Watering with Potable, Well, Lake or Pond Water
- Addresses ending in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8): Thursday and/or Sunday
- Addresses ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Wednesday and/or Saturday
- Mixed or No Address (such as common areas, entry areas/office complexes, shopping centers and other “no address” locations): Tuesday and/or Friday
Watering using potable water is not permitted between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Watering with Reclaimed Water
Pinellas County Utilities is temporarily adjusting the watering schedule for North County reclaimed water customers following recent system repairs. To make up for the downtime caused by the repair shutdown, customers will have one additional day per week, up to a maximum of three, from Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025, through Friday, April 4, 2025, to water.
Billing will continue as normal, and customers will still be charged for reclaimed water usage.
Beginning Sunday, reclaimed water customers residing north of Curlew Road may water based on their house address according to the following schedule.
- Addresses ending in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8): Tuesday, Thursday and/or Saturday
- Addresses ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Wednesday, Friday and/or Sunday
- Mixed or No Address (such as common areas, entry areas/office complexes, shopping centers and other “no address” locations): Wednesday, Friday and/or Sunday
Watering using reclaimed water is not permitted between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Customers south of SR580
Watering with Potable, Well, Lake or Pond Water
- Addresses ending in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8): Thursday and/or Sunday
- Addresses ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Wednesday and/or Saturday
- Mixed or No Address (such as common areas, entry areas/office complexes, shopping centers and other “no address” locations): Tuesday and/or Friday
Watering using potable water is not permitted between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Watering with Reclaimed Water
- Addresses ending in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8): Tuesday, Thursday, and/or Saturday
- Addresses ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Wednesday, Friday, and/or Sunday
- Mixed or No Address (such as common areas, entry areas/office complexes, shopping centers and other “no address” locations): Wednesday, Friday, and/or Sunday
Watering using reclaimed water is not permitted between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Please monitor this page for up-to-date water schedule information as restrictions can change at any time. Residents who do not receive their water from PCU should verify their watering days and restrictions with their water supplier.
Basic Rules
Wasteful and Unnecessary Use of Water Is Prohibited. This includes:
- Leaving a hose on unattended.
- Hand-watering a lawn on a restricted day or more than once a day.
- Hosing down a driveway, solid surface or structure when another method could be used.
- Not fixing an irrigation or plumbing issue, like broken sprinkler heads or outdoor faucets, after receiving a verbal or written notice.
For first offences, customers will be issued a “warning” and notice of potential citation for additional offences.
For any additional offences, customers will receive a Notice of Violation and $193 citation. If you receive a citation, you may contest it; however, in doing so you may incur additional court costs.
New Plant Material (Lawn & Landscaping) Establishment Period Irrigation Exemption
New plant materials may be watered for a 60-day total establishment period. The following information will help you properly water your new plants and turf grass under the exemption.
Proof of new lawn material must be faxed to (727) 464-3717.
Exemption Guidance
- From Day 1 to Day 30, new plants and turf grass can be watered any day of the week.
- From Day 31 to Day 60, new plants and turf grass can be watered two or three days per week, based on the watering schedule. Please see the above schedule to find your watering day.
- Exemption begins on the day of installation. New turf grass or plants can be watered one time outside of watering times on installation day.
- You can only use an entire irrigation system zone if it waters an area with at least 50% new plant material.
- Partial zone and dispersed plantings like trees, plants and shrubs must be watered by another, more targeted, irrigation method such as a water hose with a nozzle.
Irrigation System Testing and Repair
- May be operated for testing and repair purposes
- Testing may be done as often as once a week
- The run-time for any one test may not exceed 10 minutes
- An attendant must be on-site in the area being tested
For additional information, contact
Southwest Florida Water Management District
(800) 836-0797 | www.swfwmd.state.fl.us
For fact sheets on golf courses, handwatering, new plant establishment, and more, click here.