Living Paycheck to Purpose Onsite Workshop Series

Man on a ladder holding an oversized check and woman pointing to a large calendar with a pay date circled in red

Cancelled due to low enrollment.

This is an in-person event.

Wellness Pillars: Emotional and Financial Well-Being

Presenter: Shane Robson-Smith, Workplace Money Coach 

This 4-part financial empowerment series will provide valuable tips for managing your money including planning, budgeting, and investing.

Week 1: Create Your Vision of Financial Success

Kick off the program with motivation to help you better understand where your financial journey is taking you. Finding your “Why” is an integral part of building healthy & sustainable habits for managing your money.

Week 2: Develop Your Financial Plan

Introduction to the Six Simple Steps to Financial Freedom – the backbone of the Workplace Money Coach program. Financial empowerment begins with a goal, a plan, and some motivation to get you started.

Week 3: Take Control of Your Paycheck

Streamline your cash flow system and optimize the fuel for your financial life journey. Take control over your spending and explore a variety of budgeting methods.

Week 4: Build Wealth and Live Your Best Life

Explore the millionaire mindset and discover simple money habits for building wealth. Discuss investing, passive income streams, the F.I.R.E. movement and more.

Register Now

Classes are part of a series. Due to limited space, please sign up only if you can attend at least 3 classes.


  • Housing and Community Development
    310 Court Street (first floor large conference room)

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