
A wide array of initiatives across Pinellas County to improve the well being and livelihood of its residents and visitors.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Air Monitoring

Pinellas County’s Air Quality Monitoring program is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved program that monitors ambient air quality throughout the county for...

Asbestos Program

The asbestos program investigates complaints, cooperates with state and local agencies for asbestos project notification, and inspects demolition and renovation projects to...

Building Activities & Asbestos Management Procedures

Asbestos-Related Building Activities Numerous building activities can disturb asbestos-containing materials that could put people at risk, which could potentially result in liability...

Asbestos Requirements for Building Owners and Contractors

Because of serious health risks associated with asbestos exposure, the Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management, the State of Florida Department of...

Asbestos FAQs for Property Managers and Condominium Association Members

Because of serious health risks associated with asbestos exposure, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA) and the Florida...

Asbestos Notification Requirements

Because of serious health risks associated with asbestos exposure, many renovation and demolition projects require Asbestos National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air...

Asbestos Notifications, Fee Processing & Fee Schedule

Learn more about the asbestos notification process and requirements How to Pay Fees can be paid in the following ways: Through the...

Asbestos Notification for Residential Home Owner Exemption

(Florida Building Code, Removal Disclosure Statement) By signing the “Application and Permit for Construction,” you certify that you have complied, or will...

Asbestos Notification for Residential Home Owner – Asbestos Contractor Exemption

(Florida Building Code, 105.3.6 Asbestos Removal Disclosure Statement) You, as the owner and occupier of a single-family residence, not for sale or...

Air Quality Frequently Asked Questions

Complaints Smoke and Odors Dust General Questions Indoor Air Quality