
Making sure you and your loved ones will survive the storm is a year-round task that requires attention to your personal business, your family members, your home and your vehicles. It is not a task that can be done in just 24 hours, so start your planning now!

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Find the Ready Pinellas App

Ready Pinellas is designed to help residents prepare themselves and their families before, during and after a storm. It is available for free......


Register for Alert Pinellas

Receive free alerts about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for Alert Pinellas, an emergency notification service for Pinellas County,......


Sea Level Rise & Storm Surge Vulnerability Assessment

Overview Pinellas County is ready to face the unprecedented challenge in the coming decades of adapting to climate change and sea level......


Special Needs Evacuation Assistance Form – Spanish

Use this printable form to register for special needs evacuation assistance, in Spanish....


Special Needs Evacuation Assistance Form – English

Use this printable form to register for special needs evacuation assistance....


ALF Review Form



Hurricane Ian: Pinellas County Order Lifting Evacuations

Order lifting evacuations for Hurricane Ian....

Executive Orders

Hurricane Ian: Evacuation Order for Zones A, B, and C and Mobile Home Residents

Evacuation order for Zones A, B, and C and Mobile Home Residents for Hurricane Ian, pursuant to State of Local Emergency Resolution 22-90....

Executive Orders

Hurricane Ian: Evacuation Order for Residential Healthcare Facilities

Evacuation order for residential healthcare facilities for Hurricane Ian, pursuant to State of Local Emergency Resolution 22-90....

Executive Orders