Water Conservation

Water conservation is the most important action we can take to sustain our water supplies, meet future needs and reduce demands on Florida’s water-dependent ecosystems such as springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Utility Rate Analysis Presentation, May 2015

Presentation from May 5, 2015 detailing analysis of and proposed changes to utility rates in Pinellas County....


South Cross Bayou Resource Book

Provides instructors, students, and other visitors a detailed explanation of the wastewater treatment process at South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility....


Careers in Water Reclamation

Description of careers, education requirements, and salaries in water reclamation....


Flush to Fertilizer Student Book 1

Students interpretation of a water droplet going from a flush to fertilizer....


Flush to Fertilizer Student Book 2

Students interpretation of a water droplet going from a flush to fertilizer....


Flowchart and Overview of South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility – Activity

Students are asked to create a flowchart representing the treatment process at the South Cross Bayou facility as a pre-visit activity....


A Day in the Life of a Water Drop – Worksheet

This worksheet to calculate family water usage is a student pre-visit activity for South Cross Bayou tours....


A Day in the Life of a Water Drop – Water Use Table

This tool to record daily water usage for their family is a student pre-visit activity for South Cross Bayou tours....


SCB Tour Standards by Station: Middle School

List of science standards at each station in the South Cross Bayou tour for middle school students....


SCB Tour Standards by Station: High School

List of science standards at each station in the South Cross Bayou tour for high school students....
