Water Conservation

Water conservation is the most important action we can take to sustain our water supplies, meet future needs and reduce demands on Florida’s water-dependent ecosystems such as springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Leak Detector Guide

Guide to detecting plumbing leaks in your home. ...


Generic Substance List – Appendix A

The Generic Substance List is provided for informational and regulatory purpose and may be amended from time to time by the Board......


Year-Round Watering Restrictions

According to Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Chapter 40D-22, the following restrictions apply to all water sources year round. New Plant Material......


Prohibitions and Restrictions in the Wellhead Zone of Protection

Restrictions Run From Oct. 1 to Nov. 30 A portion of Pinellas County’s potable (drinking) water supply comes from groundwater sources. The......


How to Calibrate Your Sprinkler System

by Bruce J. Augustin, University of Florida Knowing the amount of water your sprinkler system applies to your lawn is an important......


Avoid Overwatering Your Lawn

Did you know overwatering can actually damage your Florida lawn? Fortunately, help is at your fingertips! Overwatering your lawn causes: Healthy Lawn......


What To Do During Drought

Don’t Mow Turf already under drought stress will be even more stressed if mowed. The leaves of the grass support the root......


Taking Measures to Reduce Stagnant Water After a Prolonged Shutdown

Flushing Building Water Systems Flushing water lines might not be high on a checklist for a business reopening in a building that......


Seasonal Restrictions on Reclaimed Water

Reclaimed Water “Frequency of Use” During Dry Season The reclaimed water shortages during the dry season have caused stress on the distribution......


Watering Schedule and Rules

Watering Schedule The authorized irrigation schedule using reclaimed, potable, well, lake or pond sources for all Pinellas County Utilities customers is as......
