
Pinellas County tests its water on a daily basis to ensure it meets or exceeds all Federal and State standards for safe drinking water.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Request a Utilities Presentation

Pinellas County Utilities is committed to educating you about water resources through classroom presentations and participation in educational events. Some events we......


Request a Utilities Facility Tour

Pinellas County Utilities’ facility tours are designed for middle and high school students grades 6-12, college classes, technical programs, professional groups and......


Grove Terrace & Oakdale Terrace Water Main Replacement and Relocation

Project Overview Pinellas County Utilities will replace the water distribution pipes on portions of Oakdale Terrace, Grove Terrace and Johnson Road in......


Utilities Education & Outreach

Here at Pinellas County Utilities, our water takes a fantastic journey before it comes out of your tap and after it goes......


Water system maintenance to begin May 20

Pinellas County Utilities will temporarily change its water disinfection process to chlorine from Monday, May 20 through Saturday, June 8. During this time, drinking water may smell or taste slightly different but there will be no impact to water pressure or service....


Gulf Beach Water Booster Station Improvements

Pinellas County Utilities is designing improvements to the Gulf Beach Water Booster Station in St. Pete Beach. The project will replace the......


Are you seeing higher water bills? Water Conservation can help.

Our digital meter project is replacing older analog meters that have a tendency to provide inaccurately low readings over time due to......


Pinellas County Utilities to host free Water Conservation Expo March 16

Residents will have an opportunity to learn from experts how to use water-saving tools, implement Florida-Friendly Landscaping principles and use the new Utilities Customer Portal to save both water and money....


Water Fees and Rates

Find information and prices here about Pinellas County water. ...
