Human Resources Contacts
A team of Human Resources representatives is here to assist you.
Pinellas County Human Resources
400 South Ft. Harrison Ave., Clearwater, FL 33756-5113
- Phone: (727) 464-3367
- Press 1 for Benefits, Wellness, or Retirement
- Press 2 for all other Human Resources topics
- Press 3 for Payroll
- TDD: (727) 464-4062
- Fax: (727) 453-3573 (for Benefits) or (727) 453-3638 (for all other)
- Email: for general inquiries including employment verification (view additional emails below)
Annex Building
HR staff are located on the 1st and 4th floors as indicated:
1st Floor
- Benefits (email)
- EBS (OPUS) and Personnel Records Assistance (email)
- Wellness (mail)
- Recruitment (email)
4th Floor
- Classification & Compensation (email)
- Employee Communications (email)
- Employee Relations (email)
- Executive Office (email)
- Learning & Development (email)
- Public Records (email)
- Volunteer Services (email)
Map: See the Google map.
Parking: See the Clearwater Campus Map. For more detailed information, see the Downtown Clearwater Learning Locations Maps.

NEW! Benefits Appointments
Schedule an appointment (in person or Teams): Benefits Consultation or Retirement or DROP Consultation
Wellness Center
Old Courthouse (south entrance basement)
324 S. Fort Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756-5113
Social Networking
Email addresses are public records under Florida law and are not exempt from public-records requirements. If you do not want your email address to be subject to being released pursuant to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing, via the United States Postal Service at Pinellas County Human Resources, 400 S. Ft. Harrison Ave. Clearwater, FL 33756.