
A wide array of initiatives across Pinellas County to improve the well being and livelihood of its residents and visitors.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Dental Services

Receive “Relief of Pain” Dental Services Help with limited dental services may be available if you are in the Pinellas County Health...

Move Safe Pinellas

Move Safe, Pinellas enhances bicyclist and pedestrian safety to reduce related crashes and fatalities in Pinellas County. Since 2018, the award-winning safety...

Yellow Dot & Vial of Life

Pinellas County’s Yellow Dot and Vial of Life programs alert first responders to your critical healthcare needs when you are seriously injured...

Clean Marina Program

Boater Benefits The Clean Marina Program helps boaters protect waterways and marine life from pollution. Participating boaters and marina staff learn: How...

Florida-Friendly Landscaping Incentive Program

The Florida-Friendly Landscaping Incentive Program (FLIP) is a program designed to reduce the amount of water and fertilizer Pinellas County residents use...


Help decrease flooding, improve water quality and create habitat for wildlife in your area by participating in Pinellas County’s Adopt-A-Pond program. As...

Learn More about the Adopt-A-Drain Program

Why Adopt-A-Drain? Adopt-A-Drain reduces the potential for flooding and improves water quality by ensuring storm drains are free and clear of debris....

Adopt-A-Drain Program

You can help improve water quality in your community. Through the Adopt-A-Drain program, you’ll help stop pollutants from reaching our waterways by...

Air Quality Program

Pinellas County’s Air Quality Program is dedicated to preserving, protecting and enhancing our local air quality for the health and welfare of...