
Pinellas County is committed to ensuring the safety of all travelers whether by car, bike or on foot.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Roundabouts and Innovative Intersections

Improving intersection safety is a high priority for Pinellas County. Crashes at intersections represent about 25% of all traffic fatalities and half......


Pinellas County’s three movable bridges to be locked at 12 p.m. Tuesday

Following guidance from the U.S. Coast Guard, Pinellas County plans to lock its three movable bridges in the closed position at 12......


Indian Rocks Road Improvements

Project Overview The project consists of filling in the gaps in the sidewalk with new ADA-accessible sections and expanding the roadway shoulder......


Golf Cart Communities

At the request of homeowners associations and property owners, Pinellas County has created zones in areas of the unincorporated county where golf......


Palm Harbor Golf Cart Zone Map

Boundaries of the area where golf carts may operated on the street in Palm Harbor....


Bardmoor North Golf Cart Zone Map

Boundaries of the area where golf carts may operated on the street in the Bardmoor North neighborhood....


West Lake Village Golf Cart Zone Map

Boundaries of the area where golf carts may operated on the street in West Lake Village....


Freshwater Estates – Lakeshore Estates North Golf Cart Zone Map

Boundaries of the area where golf carts may operated on the street in 6. Freshwater Estates – Lakeshore Estates North....


Lake Shore Estates Golf Cart Zone Map

Boundaries of the area where golf carts may operated on the street in Lake Shore Estates....


Baywood Village Golf Cart Zone Map

Boundaries of the area where golf carts may operated on the street in Baywood Village....
