Volunteers in Pinellas

Volunteers in Pinellas VIP logo

Pinellas County Government depends upon volunteers to help provide residents and visitors with the best service possible. As a Volunteer In Pinellas (VIP), you can expect to make a difference.

Interested? Apply for all Pinellas County volunteer and intern opportunities in GivePulse.

GivePulse logo

What is GivePulse?

  • GivePulse is a volunteer management platform used by over 30,000 organizations.
  • It’s a one-stop shop to register to volunteer, enter your hours, and communicate with site coordinators.
  • See the step-by-step Give Pulse User Guide.
GivePulse Pinellas County Government banner with Volunteers in Pinellas (VIP) logo and gold puzzle pieces

How to Volunteer

  • Visit GivePulse at www.pinellas.gov/GivePulse.
  • Click on the desired opportunity.
  • Complete a volunteer application:
    • If you have a GivePulse account, click Register.
    • If you are new, click Sign Up to complete a membership application.
  • A volunteer site coordinator will call or email you.
Happy graduates throwing mortarboards into the air


High school and college students can gain job experience, build a resume, and connect with professionals in their field. See Internships.

Man and woman in safety vests picking up litter outside

Community Service

Looking to fulfill court ordered community service hours? Candidates must be at least 18 years old. Complete the Community Service Inquiry Form.

Group of people in a circle looking down with the sky above them


We invite your group to make an impact in the community by volunteering together. The group could be a company, organization, church, service club, friends, etc.  Complete the Group Reservation Request Form.

Smiling senior woman gardening and planting flowers


Florida Retirement System (FRS) retirees are welcome to volunteer for Pinellas County but it can impact your pension for the first year of retirement. Email us for more information.

Site Coordinator Access

Use the internal link for the Volunteer Site Coordinator SharePoint (login required).


Contact Pinellas County Volunteer Services by email at volunteers@pinellas.gov or call (727) 464-3367, option 2.
