Speakers Bureau: Planning and Growth Management

Pinellas County offers the following presentations:

Demographics and Special Projects

Communities are driven by people: who they are, where they live and work, what they earn, and how they are affected by the local economy. Take a look at our current population and economy and find out how to predict trends for the future. Recommended Audience: Adults

Planning and How it Relates to You

Before county plans are put into motion, public input is carefully considered. Learn about the different kinds of countywide projects that can directly affect your life and how voicing your opinion can influence these projects’ outcomes. Recommended Audience: Adults

The Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan

Successful growth within a county takes many different needs into consideration. Hear how Pinellas County’s Comprehensive Plan identifies future needs, manages growth, and balances new and ongoing projects. Recommended Audience: Adults

To request a speaker please fill out the online form.