Commercial Waste

Pinellas County is committed to helping our businesses reduce waste, learn more about recycling and manage wastes according to federal, state and local laws.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Apply for or Presenter Suggestions for Pinellas Partners in Recycling

Complete this form if you or your organization is interested in presenting at a PPR Meeting. Meetings occur every other month and......


2023 Commercial Recycling Awareness Survey

Pinellas County Solid Waste's 2023 Pinellas County Commercial Recycling Awareness Survey....


Managing Waste Webinar

The Department of Solid Waste is hosting a free solid and hazardous waste management webinar for property managers and waste haulers. Learn......


Find Reuse, Recycling and Disposal Options

Use our searchable database to connect to the right donation centers, recycling facilities, online takeback programs, and more....


Guía Para el Manejo del Aceite y Filtros Usados

Aceite y Filtros Usados ¿Qué es el aceite usado? La Agencia Federal de Protección Ambiental, EPA, define aceite usado como cualquier aceite......


2014 Waste Characterization Study

Pinellas County's 2014 Waste Characterization Study...


Account, Vehicle, Trailer, and Container Information Placement Guide

Policy covering the display of an identification emblem on refuse vehicles which routinely use the Pinellas County Solid Waste Disposal system....


Solid Waste Disposal Accounts

...the Solid Waste Disposal Complex. Exit the Solid Waste Disposal Complex faster. Account information labels must be permanently affixed to your vehicles, trailers, and containers. Charge account Pay for disposal......


2021-22 Waste Composition Study

Pinellas County Department of Solid Waste 2021-22 Waste Composition Study...


Business Waste Reduction & Recycling FAQ

Details on how Pinellas County businesses can reduce their waste and utilize recycling collection services....
