
In order to best serve our residents, Pinellas County works with our community’s contractors to ensure they understand and follow education and license requirements according to county and city codes.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Apply for an Express Permit (licensed contractors), Pay Fees, Schedule an Inspection in Access Portal

Step-by-step instructions on how to apply for a permit, pay fees and schedule an inspection in Pinellas County Access Portal....


Add a Delegate in Access Portal

Step-by-step instructions on how to add/invite a delegate in Access Portal. The delegate must have an account in the Pinellas County Access Portal or through another municipal portal for Accela Citizen Access. ...


Request a Copy of Contractor or Journeyman License Card

The Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board (PCCLB) can send you a duplicate of your contractor license card if you have lost or......


Apply for Journeyman Reciprocity

Journeymen are employed by construction contractors and must be certified by the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board (PCCLB) to work in our......


Apply for Journeyman Examination

Journeymen are employed by construction contractors and must be certified by the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board (PCCLB) to work in our......


Submit a Complaint against a Contractor

In order to ensure high-quality and safe construction practices in Pinellas County, the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board (PCCLB) collects and investigates......


Apply for a Contractor Change of Status

If you are a licensed contractor and plan to qualify a company or business entity in any name other than your own,......


Register a State Contractor’s License

In order to verify that a contractor is properly licensed and authorized to work, Pinellas County requires state-certified contractors to register their......


Hours: Solid Waste Disposal Complex

Look here to find out the hours Pinellas County's Solid Waste Disposal Complex is open. ...


Apply to be a Small Business Enterprise Vendor

Pinellas County’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program Pinellas County’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program is a sheltered market for small businesses.  This......
