Disaster Preparedness

Before disaster strikes, it’s important to know your risk, make a plan and stay informed to protect yourself in the event that a natural, man-made or biological hazard event occurs. Pinellas County is here to help.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Returning Home After a Hurricane or Flood Checklist

A checklist from the American Red Cross on the things you should do and bring with you when returning to your home after a hurricane or flood. ...


Pinellas County Downloadable Book of Evacuation Hazard Maps

2017 Evacuation and Flood Risk maps presented in a grid system to help Pinellas County citizens find their zones....


Know the Flood Risk Before Buying or Building Brochure En Español

Spanish version of brochure outlining the flooding risks to help residents understand flood maps before buying or building a home....


Know the Flood Risk Before Buying or Building Brochure

Brochure highlighting the flooding risks to help residents understand flood maps before buying or building a home....


JB Coxwell Contracting Inc Services Agreement Contract

Contract detailing agreement with J.B. Coxwell Contracting for disaster debris collection and removal services....


FEMA The Limit of Moderate Wave Action to Build Safer and Stronger Coastal Communities

Fact sheet describing how to use the Limit of Moderate Wave Action on Flood Insurance Rate maps to keep coastal communities safe....


FEMA Hurricane Advisory for Enclosures and Breakaway Walls Requirements and Recommendations

FEMA advisory detailing wall requirements and recommendations of enclosures and breakaway walls below the Base Flood Elevation....


FEMA Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 and Impact of Changes to NFIP

Fact sheet detailing the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 and how the changes to the Flood Insurance Rate Map impacts policyholders....


FEMA Criteria for Appeals on Flood Insurance Rate Maps

FEMA criteria appealing changes in the flood hazard information on flood insurance rate maps. ...


FEMA Coastal Flood Risk Information and the Limit of Moderate Wave Action

FEMA fact sheet informing public about coastal flood risk and the limit of moderate wave action, which identifies two different flood zones....
