Pinellas County’s Intelligent Transportation System integrates a network of technology and smart devices to enhance transportation for all road users and improve traffic flow.

Public Works Department
The Public Works Department manages environmental, stormwater and transportation systems to provide a safe, sustainable and vibrant community for the people of Pinellas County.
Learn MoreInfo & Resources
Board Typicals Trail Alternative 1 West Alignment Bridge Graphic
Graphics showing the first trail alternative for the San Martin Boulevard over Riviera Bay Bridge with a left - or west - alignment....
Beckett Bridge Rehabilitation Alternative 2
Document detailing the second Beckett Bridge Rehabilitation alternative that doesn't include bridge widening....
Beckett Bridge Rehabilitation Alternative 1
Mockups showing the no widening rehabilitation alternative for the Beckett Bridge Project Development and Environmental Study....
Beckett Bridge Proposed Roadway Sections Graphics
Graphics showing a comparison between the existing east and west roadways and the recommended alternative roadways for the new movable Beckett Bridge....
Beckett Bridge Issues Impact and Costs Alternatives Matrix
Evaluation matrix detailing the issues, impact and costs for the Beckett Bridge alternatives as part of the Project Development and Environmental Study....
Tourist Population Projections by TAZ, CT, 2010-2035
Numerical table listing tourist and visitor population projections for 2010 to 2035, broken down by census tract and traffic analysis zone....
Permanent Population Projections by TAZ, CT, 2010-2035
Document providing 2010 U.S. Census figures for Pinellas County broken down by census tract, along with projections developed by the Pinellas County Planning Department....
Report a Problem in Your Community
Report issues with air quality, potholes, sidewalks, illegal dumping, mistimed traffic signals, graffiti and more to Pinellas County on this webpage or......
Request a New Street Light
Use this form to contact Pinellas County to request a new street light for your neighborhood if your street has never had......
Belcher Road at Gulf to Bay Boulevard (S.R. 60) Intersection Improvement Study
Project Overview Pinellas County is working with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the City of Clearwater, and Forward Pinellas on the......