Construction in a Floodplain

Floodproofing is one way to minimize property loss due to floods. Floodproofing may involve building walls or levees, elevating or moving structures or sealing the structure. Reduce or avoid flood losses by building above the Base Flood Elevation.

Flooding at Tarpon Woods

Building Requirements

Pinellas County enforces specific building regulations to protect people and buildings from flooding while maintaining natural floodplain functions.

Building new construction above the Base Flood Elevation is cost-effective and Pinellas County requires that new or substantially-improved buildings be built at least one foot above the base flood elevation. Building above that may discount your flood insurance premiums even more.

Call Pinellas County’s Flood Information Services at (727) 464-7700 to find out what the Base Flood and Design Flood Elevations are BEFORE you develop your plans.

You may also request a Site Plan Pre-Application Meeting to learn more about the required development standards for the property.

Did you know?

The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the elevation to which floodwater is anticipated to rise during the base flood. BFEs are shown on Flood Insurance Rate Maps and on the flood profiles. The BFE is the regulatory requirement for the elevation of structures. The relationship between the BFE and a structure’s elevation determines the flood insurance premium.

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