Jet Dental Onsite Clinics

Wellness Pillars: Physical and Financial Well-Being

Jet Dental - We Bring The Dentist to Your Workplace

We are excited to partner with Jet Dental to bring pop-up dental clinics to two worksites in February, making getting a dental checkup more convenient. View the information below or the printable flyer.

Jet Dental staff with dental chairs separated by partitions

2025 Jet Dental Clinics

LocationAddressClinic Date
(9 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Planning310 Court Street, First Floor Conference Room, ClearwaterThursday, February 13Register Now
Public Works22211 U.S. Highway 19 North, Building 1 (ERB), ClearwaterTuesday, February 25Register Now

What is a pop-up dental clinic, and how can I sign up?

A pop-up dental clinic is a mobile dental office that comes to you!

Jet Dental staff set up dental chairs in your workplace separated by partitions for privacy and bring their own equipment.

What dental services are provided?

  • Full preventive appointment including X-rays, standard cleaning, and a comprehensive exam
  • Cavity fillings
  • Deep cleaning (scaling and root planing), additional copay applies
  • Professional teeth whitening
    • $249 fee is not covered by insurance.
    • Preventive exams are prioritized.
    • Should appointments be available closer to the clinic’s scheduled date, they will be opened up for teeth whitening and will appear as a separate appointment link.

What is the cost?

  • Employees on a Pinellas County dental plan from Cigna: Jet Dental is in the Cigna network so a preventive dental exam is covered at 100%.
    • Additional services are subject to the same co-pays and co-insurance as a traditional dentist visit. This includes deep cleanings, scaling and root planing, and other restorative procedures.
    • Review your dental plan to know what is covered. Jet Dental may offer these services at discounted direct pay pricing.
  • Employees on another dental plan (e.g. opt outs): You are welcome to participate. Please check with your insurance to determine if Jet Dental is part of their provider network.

How long does it take?

Each appointment typically lasts less than 1 hour.

What if I already have a dentist?

Jet Dental works with any dentist. They will gladly transfer all exam findings and x-rays to your personal dentist’s office if needed.

Do I need to use leave time?

Yes. As with any medical appointment, time away from work requires use of approved leave.

Can I earn Wellness Incentive Program rewards?

Yes. You can earn $25 cash or 6,250 points for a preventive dental exam (twice per calendar year).

What if I need additional procedures?

If you require more complex procedures, Jet will refer you to a highly rated dentist that is in your insurance network.

What if I have questions?

Call Jet Dental at (801) 430-9262 or email
