EBS (OPUS) Payroll Steps

Direct Deposit, Emergency Contacts, W-4 Tax Form

Once you begin work, your department will provide username and password instructions. Log into EBS (OPUS) to set up your direct deposit payroll information, enter emergency contact(s), and complete the W-4 Tax Form.

When does direct deposit start?
Your first paycheck will be mailed to you. It can take 2 or 3 pay cycles for your check to be direct deposited to your bank account. NOTE: You are paid bi-weekly (every 2 weeks).

Direct Deposit Payroll

  1. Be prepared with your banking information including the bank account and routing account numbers. NOTE: If you have multiple bank accounts, the steps are the same, but you need to add each bank account. Deposits are made in the order listed in the priority column. The highest priority number (last deposit amount) should have “Remaining Pay” in the Amount row. The deposit order can be changed by changing the priority number.
  2. Log into EBS (OPUS).
  3. Click on PIN Employee Self Service > Manage Payroll Payments.
  4. To add a bank account, click Add Deposit Payment. NOTE: You will be paid by check until your banking information is validated by your financial institution.
  5. Navigate through the entry screens by clicking your mouse in each entry field or by tabbing through the fields. NOTE: Do not click on International ACH Transaction  – IAT, unless you have a bank account held outside of the U.S.
  • Select the Amount Type by clicking on the dropdown arrow. You can select Monetary or Percentage.
    • Monetary will deposit the same dollar amount each pay period.
    • Percentage may change each pay period if the amount of your pay changes.
  • Enter Amount. If percentage amount type is selected and you are only adding one bank account, enter 100. This means that you want 100% of your net pay going to this specific bank account.
  • Enter Account Name. The account name is free form which allows you to enter a description that is meaningful to you. It could be personalized ‘My Checking’ or you can enter the name of your banking institution.
  • Select the Account Type by clicking on the dropdown arrow. You can select Checking Account or Savings Account.
  • Enter your banking Account Number. It is very important that the account number information entered in this field is accurate. This information will be verified with your banking institution. If rejected, it will delay you receiving direct deposit payment.
  • Enter your Transit Code number. It is very important that the transit code number is entered in this field is accurate. This information will be verified with your banking institution. If rejected, it will delay you receiving direct deposit payment.

IMPORTANT: The Transit Code in EBS (OPUS) is your bank routing number.

  • Enter the Bank Name. This is the name of your financial institution.
  • Enter the Bank Branch. The bank branch can be as specific as the address of your bank, the city or town the bank is located or generic as ‘online’ or ‘unknown.’
  1. After reviewing all the information you just entered, click the Apply button in the upper right corner of the entry screen.
  2. When all the information looks complete and accurate, click the Continue button in the upper right corner of the entry screen.
  3. The information you entered will be listed on the data screen as Proposed. This gives you one more opportunity to review your banking data.
  4. The final step is to click the Submit button to activate your banking data for validation. NOTE: The information you entered is not complete until the Confirmation icon is displayed and your changes have been applied. Please ensure you receive confirmation before exiting out of this screen.

Emergency Contacts

  1. Log into EBS (OPUS).
  2. Click on PIN Employee Self Service > Personal Information.
  3. Under Emergency Contacts, add at least one Emergency Contact.

W-4 Tax Form

  1. Log into EBS (OPUS).
  2. Click on PIN Employee Self Service > Tax Form > Update.
  3. Complete the W-4 Tax Form using the instructions below.

W-4 Tax Form Details

  • Click the IRS Federal W-4 Form (PDF) link to print worksheets to help with completing the W-4 information in EBS (OPUS). See page 2 of the worksheet in particular.
  • Choose appropriate button for Filing Status (single, married, etc.).

Last Name Different

  • Click Last Name Different if your name does not match your Social Security card.

Multiple Jobs or Spouse Works

  • If applicable (have multiple jobs or spouse works), click Multiple Jobs or Spouse Works and complete step 2 on the worksheet to determine a more accurate withholding amount in step 4(c) – this amount will be factored into the next step.

Complete Steps 3 (Claim Dependents) through 4(b) (Deductions) on the worksheet first

  1. In EBS (OPUS), enter the amount from step 3 into the Claim Dependents field.
  2. Enter the amount from step 4(a) (if applicable) into the Other Income
    (not from jobs) field.
  3. Enter the amount from step 4(b) (if applicable) into the Deductions field.
  4. Enter the amount from step 4(c) (if applicable – see above) into the Extra Withholding field.

Exempt from Withholding

  1. Read Exemption from Withholding on page 2 of the worksheet.
  2. If applicable after reading, click Exempt.


  1. It is not necessary to sign the printed worksheet.
  2. Read the perjury statement and click I Agree. IMPORTANT: You cannot continue without checking this box.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Review your changes.
  5. To print your Withholding Certificate, hover over the Tax Information section and choose the printer icon that appears.
  6. Click Submit.


Employees of the Board of County Commissioners, Business Technology Services, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, County Attorney, Human Resources, Office of Human Rights: Contact Payroll by email at payroll@mypinellasclerk.org or call (727) 464-8392.

Employees of Forward Pinellas, Property Appraiser, Supervisor of Elections, and Tax Collector: Call your department’s payroll contact.
