Re-Entry Resources: Medical and Treatment

The Pinellas County Office of Justice Coordination has developed a list of commonly needed local resources that can assist you as you get settled back into the community. The information will help connect you and your family to the critical support services and community resources you need to thrive.

Resources that provide access to health care and treatment services are available for everyone, including you.  Below are the resources you need to stay healthy as you start your new chapter. 


Apply for Services

Pinellas County Health Program (PCHP) – prevention-focused health care for eligible Pinellas County residents

Healthcare for the Homeless Program (HCH) – prevention-focused health care for eligible homeless Pinellas County residents

Suncoast Health Council Programs – various programs, including healthcare, insurance services, and prescription assistance

Dental Health Clinic – dental services are available for eligible uninsured low-income adults

St. Pete Free Clinic – free health care and dental services for the uninsured

Clearwater Free Clinic – primary care setting provides a full range of medical services. Community partners offer other services

For Children and Families

Healthy Start/Health Families – care for pregnant women, infants, and their families

Infant, Child and Adolescent Health – programs and services for youth

Mental Health and Substance Use


PEMHS – (Personal Enrichment through Mental Health Services) – provides behavioral health crisis services including emergency screening, crisis intervention, inpatient treatment services and a 24-hour suicide hotline

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call for IMMEDIATE HELP.

  • 24-Hour Suicide Hotline: 727-791-3131
  • 24-Hour Mental Health Assistance: 727-541-4628

Suncoast Center – provides services to adults, children, and families facing mental health issues, trauma, substance misuse, child abuse, neglect, and sexual assault

Behavioral Health Resources – community treatment providers for mental health and substance use

Substance Use Prevention – information on treatment and referral services and Department of Health resources

National Behavioral Health Hotlines

24 – Hour Crisis text line: 741741, available for all crisis (anxiety, depression, suicide)

24 – Hour Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 988

Peer Supported Behavioral Health & Other Services

Peer support workers are people who have been successful in the process of recovery from a mental health, substance use, or co-occurring disorder. In the realm of re-entry, many peer support workers additionally have prior experience with the criminal justice system. By sharing their own lived experience and practical guidance, peer support workers serve as evidence that people can and do recover, providing inspiration, understanding, and support to their clients as they help them navigate the road to recovery.

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) – supports individuals & loved ones affected by mental illness so that they can build better lives

Directions for Living – peer specialist services & more

PERC (People Empowering & Restoring Communities) – support services and more