Temporary Staffing

Staffing words under a magnifying glass with related terms like jobs, position, workers, employees, human resources and interview

County departments in need of short-term assistance should work with Human Resources to determine the best option to meet their needs.


Pinellas County has several workforce options for the Unified Personnel System (UPS) for departments who need temporary help. Those options include:

  • Temporary UPS position (Pinellas County employee)
  • Temporary contractor (non-County personnel placed through our staffing agency, Personnel Solutions Plus)
  • Unpaid (volunteer or intern)

How to Request Temporary Staffing

  1. The hiring manager must start by completing the Temporary Labor Request Form.
  2. Human Resources (HR) will review the information and provide a recommendation on how to fill the position.
  3. If HR recommends a County employee, volunteer or intern, then HR staff will provide further guidance.
  4. If HR recommends using Personnel Solutions Plus (PSP):
    • HR will forward the labor request form to PSP.
    • HR will provide pay guidelines to the hiring manager. The guidelines include a typical entry-level pay rate and a recommended maximum pay rate. If PSP requests a rate that exceeds this maximum, then it will need approval from the Appointing Authority.
    • PSP will contact the hiring manager to confirm the pay rate and start date.
    • To learn more, see Staffing Agency FAQs.

How to Join Pinellas County in a Temporary Role

  • If you are interested in temporary employment through Pinellas County, view our job openings. Keep an eye out for seasonal openings, like lifeguard.
  • If you are interested in being a temporary contractor, contact Personnel Solutions Plus at (813) 890-0670.
  • If you want to volunteer for the County or get job experience as an unpaid intern, contact Volunteer Services or call (727) 464-3367, option 2.

Florida Retirement System Retirees

  • Under Florida law, any retiree receiving a Florida Retirement System (FRS) pension is prohibited from working for Pinellas County during their first six months of retirement, including as temporary personnel.
  • In the seventh to 12th month after retirement, retirees cannot receive pension money and provide services to the county at the same time.
  • Beginning in the 13th month of retirement, retirees may work for Pinellas County with no effect on their pension.

Equipment Policy for PSP Employees

If you are a temporary contractor working for Pinellas County through placement with Personnel Solutions Plus, please review the Procedure for Use of Pinellas County Equipment by PSP Employees.
