Business Complaints

If you have a problem with any business transaction in Pinellas County, you can file a business complaint using the resources below.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Consumer Tips: Insurance

The purchase or sale of a home may well be the single most important financial transaction you are involved in during your......


Consumer Tips: Internet Purchases

Follow these tips before bidding online Do your homework. Be sure you understand what you are bidding on, its value, and all......


Consumer Resources

State: Federal: Other:...


High Prescribing Health Clinic Permitting—Pain Management

Effective Oct. 1, 2023, there is a $55.00 increase in High Prescribing Health Clinic (HPHC) license fees from $1,500 to $1,555 to......


Consumer Tips: Price Gouging

Price gouging is when a business sells necessary goods or services at higher than normal prices during a state of emergency. This......


Protect Your Senior Family and Friends from COVID-19 scams

During these times of social distancing and quarantine, older adults may be more isolated and therefore more vulnerable to scams.  Perpetrators may......


Home Improvement Scams

Home Solicitation Be extremely cautious of anyone coming to your home uninvited and offering to do home repairs. This technique could be......


Adult Use Establishments

The Office of Consumer Protection manages licensing for adult use establishments. Effective Oct. 1, 2023, there is a $59.00 increase in Adult......


Managing Your Finances During a Crisis

The Coronavirus is not just a threat to our health, but for many it’s now effecting our finances. It’s challenging to manage......


Pinellas County Access Portal

The Pinellas County Access Portal offers the following services: If you have questions or require assistance with the Pinellas County Access Portal,......
