Chemical Disposal

Pinellas County offers disposal options for chemicals to both residents and businesses.

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Government Offices

Guía de Reciclaje (PDF)

Los municipios y los transportistas privados manejan el servicio de recogido de reciclaje de forma independiente. La Guía de Reciclaje está diseñada......


Archived – 2023 Recycle Guide (PDF)

This is not the newest version of the Recycle Guide. To view the newest version, visit


New virtual tour of the Solid Waste Disposal Complex

Photo Caption: Image of the Pinellas County Solid Waste Disposal Complex (SWDC) from the top of the Bridgeway Acres Landfill, as shown......


Solid Waste partners with Code Enforcement to help property owners in need

Photo Caption: Before and after photos of the Clearwater home that was assisted by the partnership. Pinellas County Solid Waste’s Household Hazardous......


Department of Solid Waste disposal fee to increase

The Pinellas County Department of Solid Waste’s disposal rate for municipal solid waste, commercial waste and yard waste will increase by 6.8%......


Managing Waste Webinar

The Department of Solid Waste is hosting a free solid and hazardous waste management webinar for property managers and waste haulers. Learn......


Find Reuse, Recycling and Disposal Options

Use our searchable database to connect to the right donation centers, recycling facilities, online takeback programs, and more....


Solid Waste changes household hazardous waste collection center operation hours and events

Pinellas County Department of Solid Waste is changing operation days and remote collection event frequency for household chemical collections beginning on Thursday,......


Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program Calendar

View the calendar below for operating days for the HHW Center and HHW North. Additional months can be found at the bottom......


How to recycle right this holiday season

Between Thanksgiving week and New Year’s Day, people generate 25 percent more waste than they do on average. But there’s good news.......
