Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies can strike at anytime, but Pinellas County offers resources and supplies to make sure you know your risk and are ready to respond when the time comes.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Disaster Preparedness Initiatives

Preparing for disasters to protect lives, homes and businesses is essential for a resilient community. Every hurricane season poses new threats, and......


Returning Home After a Hurricane or Flood Checklist in Spanish

Spanish version of the American Red Cross checklist of things you should do and bring with you when you return to your home after a hurricane or flood. ...


Returning Home After a Hurricane or Flood Checklist

A checklist from the American Red Cross on the things you should do and bring with you when returning to your home after a hurricane or flood. ...


Repairing Your Flooded Home

A comprehensive guide prepared by FEMA and the American Red Cross on how homeowners can assess and repair their damaged homes after a flood. ...


Know the Flood Risk Before Buying or Building Brochure En Español

Spanish version of brochure outlining the flooding risks to help residents understand flood maps before buying or building a home....


Know the Flood Risk Before Buying or Building Brochure

Brochure highlighting the flooding risks to help residents understand flood maps before buying or building a home....


Secure Your Home

An explanation of the steps you can take to prepare your home for hurricanes....


Get Involved

...VOAD represents more than 100 faith- and community-based organizations and is supported by the Florida VOAD and National VOAD. For information on how you can get involved, email voad@pinellascounty.org or......


Stay Informed

During an emergency Pinellas County provides up-to-the-minute information on disaster.pinellas.gov. To ask a question during an emergency, call the County Information Center......


Know Your Risk

All hazards require that you Know Your Risk, Make a Plan and Stay Informed. Hurricanes Tropical depressions, tropical storms and hurricanes are......
