Parks and Preserves

Pinellas County is home to over 20,000 acres of parks and preserves where residents and visitors can picnic, camp, hike, boat and more.

Information & Resources

Parks & Preserves Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about Pinellas County Parks and Preserves, including information about pets, events and specific park information.

Park Amenities

Parks & Conservation Resources maintains 20,000 acres of parks that include the county’s most beautiful examples of pristine Florida landscapes. Located throughout…

Park Rules

Pinellas County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 90 Please help us keep Pinellas County parks safe, clean and fun for all to enjoy. Most…

Managed Areas

Parks & Conservation Resources manages the County’s environmentally sensitive lands using resource management practices that promote the quality of native ecosystems. Management…

Baskets for Beaches

The Baskets for Beaches program enables you to make a difference by collecting trash as you walk the beach. Grab a basket…


The Adopt-A-Park program is great for businesses or civic groups looking to give back to their community. Pinellas County Parks & Conservation…

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Pinellas County Park & Recreation Month Photo Contest

Overview & Submission Guidelines July is Park & Recreation Month! Pinellas County joins the rest of the nation in promoting vibrant and......


County holds groundbreaking ceremony for Raymond H. Neri Community Park improvements

Pinellas County held a ceremonial groundbreaking on Tuesday for the much-anticipated Raymond H. Neri Community Parks Improvement project in Lealman. The event was attended by County officials, county commissioners, civic leaders and other residents. ...


Philippe Park Improvements

Project Background The proposed projects are located within and adjacent to the Safety Harbor Mounds, a National Historic Landmark and listed on......


Brooker Creek Preserve to host Earth Day birthday bash

Brooker Creek Preserve Environmental Education Center and the Friends of Brooker Creek Preserve will host Earth Day Birthday: A Springtime Conservation on......


Rehabilitation of former disposal area on 119th Street N. (Future Greenspace)

Project Overview The approximately 37-acre project site is in the Greater Ridgecrest area, with a 5-acre stormwater pond located in the northwest......


Taylor Lake Seawall Improvements

Project Overview This project consists of the replacement of the existing vinyl sheet pile wall along the north end of Taylor Lake,......


Pinellas County opens new, improved Bay Pier at Fort De Soto Park 

Pinellas County Parks & Conservation Resources officially reopened Bay Pier at Fort De Soto Park with a ribbon cutting Thursday following completion......


Heritage Village opens historic Turner Bungalow

Pinellas County Parks & Conservation Resources and Heritage Village officially opened the Turner Bungalow to the public for the first time since......


Wilde Lands Recreation Area

Project Overview Pinellas County is developing additional public recreation facilities adjacent to the existing soccer fields and associated parking lot within the......


Weedon Island Preserve Salt Marsh Restoration

Project Overview Pinellas County is restoring and enhancing a 41-acre section of the Weedon Island Preserve through a pilot project that will......
