
Pinellas County is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by reducing our energy consumption and transitioning to cleaner energy sources in order to work toward a more sustainable future.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Pinellas County Government’s first two fully electric vehicles hit the road

Pinellas County Government’s first two fully electric vehicles are hitting the road this week, paving the way to a reduced carbon footprint......


Recycle Guide (PDF)

View and download the Recycle Guide-an annual publication produced by the Pinellas County Department of Solid Waste. ...


2019 Commercial Recycling Awareness Survey

Report on results of Pinellas County Commercial Recycling Awareness Survey....


BCC adopts resolution setting 100% clean energy goals

The Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, Nov. 9, adopted a resolution setting clean energy targets as a part of......


BCC elects 2022 Commission Chair and Vice Chairman

The Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday unanimously elected Commissioner and Current Vice Chair Charlie Justice to serve as Chair......


Pinellas County seeks input on first Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan

Pinellas County would like to hear residents’ bright ideas and top concerns for the development of the County’s first Sustainability and Resiliency......


Educational Resources: Garbage and Recycling

Solid Waste follows the 4Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover of managing waste. Use these resources to learn what happens when you throw......
