
Pinellas County is committed to ensuring the safety of all travelers whether by car, bike or on foot.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Board Typicals Trail Alternative 2 East Alignment Bridge Graphic

Graphic showing the second alternative for the San Martin Boulevard over Riviera Bay Bridge Replacement Project....


Board Typicals Trail Alternative 1 West Alignment Bridge Graphic

Graphics showing the first trail alternative for the San Martin Boulevard over Riviera Bay Bridge with a left - or west - alignment....


Beckett Bridge Rehabilitation Alternative 2

Document detailing the second Beckett Bridge Rehabilitation alternative that doesn't include bridge widening....


Beckett Bridge Rehabilitation Alternative 1

Mockups showing the no widening rehabilitation alternative for the Beckett Bridge Project Development and Environmental Study....


Beckett Bridge Proposed Roadway Sections Graphics

Graphics showing a comparison between the existing east and west roadways and the recommended alternative roadways for the new movable Beckett Bridge....


Beckett Bridge Issues Impact and Costs Alternatives Matrix

Evaluation matrix detailing the issues, impact and costs for the Beckett Bridge alternatives as part of the Project Development and Environmental Study....


Beckett Bridge Existing Conditions Material Machinery and Structure Images

Images showing the existing condition of the Beckett Bridge, including concrete and steel deterioration, machinery and structural issues....


Lealman Mobility & Complete Street Plan

March 2019 Linking Lealman Action Plan outlining an actionable plan of phased complete streets and mobility improvements for Lealman....


Report a Problem in Your Community

Report issues with air quality, potholes, sidewalks, illegal dumping, mistimed traffic signals, graffiti and more to Pinellas County on this webpage or......


Westwinds and Crosswinds Bridges Project

Project Overview Pinellas County is replacing the Westwinds and Crosswinds Bridges as part of its ongoing effort to maintain and operate the......
