Voluntary Benefits Plans: Supplemental Medical

Pinellas County offers three voluntary supplemental medical benefits from Aflac:

The benefits are 100% employee-paid. If you experience a covered issue under one or more of these plans, you file a claim and receive a lump sum payout to use however you wish.

These optional benefits are separate from your medical plan benefits. Any employee may enroll, including those who opt out or decline the County’s medical plan. Major medical insurance pays for doctors and hospitals, while voluntary benefits can provide cash benefits to help with daily expenses when you’re sick or hurt.

There is a low and high plan option for each benefit, as well as individual and family coverage tiers. Children are covered until they turn 26.


Accident Plan

View a summary below. For more information, view the Aflac Accident Plan.

  • Accident Plan benefits are payable when an accident occurs on or off the job.
  • The plan includes treatment for inpatient and outpatient services along with a hospital benefit if the admittance is because of an injury or accident.
  • The plan covers a wide range of events—broken teeth or bones, burns, concussions, dislocations, lacerations, eye injuries and more.
  • There are two Accident Plan options with the same benefits but different payout amounts (low and high). 
Close-up Of A Female Doctor Bandaging Patient's Leg
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Contact Aflac

Use the Aflac website to:

  • View detailed plan information.
  • File a claim.


Sue selects the Accident Plan with employee-only, high-payout coverage for $3.36 per paycheck. She injures her leg in an accident, goes to the hospital by ambulance and is treated by the emergency room doctor for a leg fracture. The Aflac plan pays Sue $3,310, which includes ambulance, emergency room, X-ray, fracture diagnosis, crutches and three follow-up doctor visits.

Accident Plan Coverage*

Benefit Low Payout Amount High Payout Amount
Hospital admission $1,000 $2,000
Hospital confinement $150 $250
Ambulance - ground $300 $400
Ambulance - air $1,000 $1,500
Emergency room $150 $200
CT, MRI, X-rays $150 $250
Coma $10,000 $20,000

*See a full list of benefits.

Accident Plan Biweekly Premiums

Coverage Level  Low Payout Rate High Payout Rate
Employee $1.83 $3.36
Employee + Spouse $3.13 $5.62
Employee + Children $3.81 $6.54
Family $5.11 $8.79

Hospital Plan

View a summary below. For more information, view the Aflac Hospital Plan.

  • Hospital Plan benefits are payable when you are hospitalized because of an accident, sickness or maternity.
  • Benefits cover hospital and intensive care unit stays related to physical problems, mental/nervous conditions or substance use issues.
  • There are two options with the same benefits but different payout amounts (low and high).


John selects the Hospital Plan with employee-only, high-payout coverage for $7.06 per paycheck. He goes to the emergency room with a high fever and is admitted to the hospital. He’s released from the hospital after two days. The Aflac plan pays John $1,400, which includes $1,000 for hospital admission and $400 for the two-day stay.

Hospital Plan Coverage*

Benefit Low Payout Amount High Payout Amount
Hospital admission $500 $1,000
Hospital confinement $100 $200
Intensive care unit $400 $800

*Mental/nervous and substance use issues are included

Hospital Plan Biweekly Premiums

Coverage Level Low Payout Rate High Payout Rate
Employee $3.97 $7.06
Employee + Spouse $8.00 $14.15
Employee + Children $6.46 $11.28
Family $10.50 $18.37

Critical Illness Plan

View a summary below. For more information, view the Aflac Critical Illness Plan.

  • Critical Illness Plan benefits are payable for covered conditions such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, coronary bypass and kidney failure.
  • COVID-19 is covered if the individual is hospitalized for four or more days.
  • This is a lump sum benefit paid directly to the insured for a covered illness. It is paid based on a schedule of conditions and percent of benefit paid.
  • There are no preexisting condition exclusions. If you have a condition at the time of your enrollment, then you would still be covered for expenses that occur after your enrollment date.
  • This benefit can be used to cover out-of-pocket or unexpected expenses such as copays, lost wages, transportation, childcare or groceries.
  • You can select a $10,000 or $20,000 benefit. The employee or spouse/domestic partner would receive the full amount while a child receives 50 percent (i.e., $5,000 or $10,000).
  • There are age bands and smoker rates because insurance companies price plans according to risk. As we get older, the risk of certain illnesses increases. In addition, certain conditions are more prevalent in smokers.


Martin selects the Critical Illness Plan. He is 35 years old and does not smoke, so his rate is $2.76 per paycheck for $10,000 employee-only benefit coverage. He goes to the emergency room with chest pains and is diagnosed with a heart attack. The Aflac plan pays Martin $10,000.

Critical Illness Plan: Commonly Covered Conditions*

Condition Percentage of Benefit Payout
Invasive Cancer 100%
Heart Attack 100%
Coronary Artery Bypass 100%
Stroke 100%
Kidney Failure 100%
Coma 100%
Benign Brain Tumor 100%
Major Organ Failure 100%
Bone Marrow Transplant 100%
Paralysis 100%
Blindness 100%
Deafness 100%
Loss of Limbs 100%
Advanced Alzheimer’s Disease 50%
Multiple Sclerosis 50%
Cystic Fibrosis 50%

*See a complete list of conditions.

Critical Illness Plan: Nonsmoker Biweekly Premiums for $10,000 Benefit

Age Bands Employee or Employee + Child Employee + Spouse/Domestic Partner or Family
<25 $2.10 $3.98
25-29 $2.59 $4.96
30-34 $2.23 $4.44
35-39 $2.76 $5.51
40-44 $3.39 $6.76
45-49 $3.61 $7.20
50-54 $6.12 $12.21
55-59 $5.74 $11.45
60-64 $10.42 $20.76
65+ $29.61 $58.89

Critical Illness Plan: Smoker Biweekly Premiums for $10,000 Benefit

Age Bands Employee or Employee + Child Employee + Spouse/Domestic Partner or Family
<25 $2.58 $4.93
25-29 $3.16 $6.09
30-34 $2.95 $5.88
35-39 $3.87 $7.72
40-44 $4.79 $9.56
45-49 $5.14 $10.25
50-54 $8.94 $17.85
55-59 $8.64 $17.26
60-64 $15.45 $30.82
65+ $42.77 $85.21

Critical Illness Plan: Nonsmoker Biweekly Premiums for $20,000 Benefit

Age Bands Employee or Employee + Child Employee + Spouse/Domestic Partner or Family
<25 $3.31 $6.39
25-29 $4.28 $8.34
30-34 $3.76 $7.50
35-39 $4.82 $9.62
40-44 $6.08 $12.14
45-49 $6.51 $13.00
50-54 $11.53 $23.04
55-59 $10.77 $21.52
60-64 $20.09 $40.10
65+ $58.21 $116.10

Critical Illness Plan: Smoker Biweekly Premiums for $20,000 Benefit

Age Bands Employee or Employee + Child Employee + Spouse/Domestic Partner or Family
<25 $4.26 $8.29
25-29 $5.41 $10.60
30-34 $5.21 $10.39
35-39 $7.04 $14.05
40-44 $8.88 $17.74
45-49 $9.58 $19.13
50-54 $17.17 $34.32
55-59 $16.58 $33.14
60-64 $30.14 $60.21
65+ $84.54 $168.75

View our other Voluntary Benefits Plans.
